Towards Sustainable Research Software & Inclusive Communities  [slides]



More information

Yuxiang Qin

  • Dr Manodeep Sinha
    Dr Manodeep Sinha, Senior Research Software Scientist
    Swinburne University

    Email: msinha[at]


Software is now critical for modern research, and frequently, scientific breakthroughs are enabled by high-quality and innovative research software. Consequently, there is an increased demand for “Research Software Engineers (RSEs)” - people who are well-trained domain scientists with highly specialised software skills. However, the existing policies for rewards and recognition within academia are insufficient to hire, promote and retain these skilled RSEs. Broad community consultations are underway to finalise recommendations for a more sustainable research software ecosystem. These recommendations include both a top-down approach through funding, policy and research assessment and a bottom-up approach through actions of individual research groups and institutions. Both of these approaches are necessary to drive change in culture around research software. I will discuss the current developments surrounding research software, both nationally and in the international context. I will share various practices for software, data and communities that you can adopt to promote a more sustainable research software ecosystem.