Hierarchical Star Formation Across Space and Time with Star Clusters from LEGUS

David Caro building, Level 7 conference room


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Yuxiang Qin

  • Kathryn Grasha
    Kathryn Grasha, PhD student
    University of Massachusetts

    Email: kgrasha[at]astro.umass.edu


A key missing piece in a predictive theory of star formation is the link between scales of individual stars and star clusters up to the scales of entire galaxies. LEGUS, a HST Treasury program of 50 nearby galaxies imaged at UV and optical wavelengths, is now providing us the information to test the overall organization and spatial evolution of star formation. I will present my latest findings of using star clusters from LEGUS combined with millimeter observations to trace the hierarchy of the entire star-forming process to improve our understanding of the evolution of star formation, stellar populations, and the natal molecular gas in galaxies.

Hierarchical Star Formation Across Space and Time with Star Clusters from LEGUS