AAL member update to University of Melbourne

TBC (+Zoom)


More information

Yuxiang Qin

  • Orsola De Marco
    Orsola De Marco, Board Chair (AAL)

    Email: orsola.demarco[at]mq.edu.au


AAL will be presenting a member update to University of Melbourne, introducing AAL and describing who we are and what we do for those who haven’t come across us before (while also providing a refresher to those who have). Information on how AAL makes funding decisions will also form part of the update. Our presenters, Professor Orsola De Marco (AAL Board Chair) and Romy Pearse (AAL Communications Manager) will then open up the floor to discussion, allowing plenty of time for the audience to ask questions or talk about matters that are important to them. We will be utilising WooClap (a Q&A online platform) for part of the session, so it would be great if everyone can have a device on hand (a phone will do!) to jump online and participate.