Structural and Electrical Characterisation of Semiconductor Materials Using a Nuclear Microprobe


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Table of Contents

Structural and Electrical Characterisation of Semiconductor Materials Using a Nuclear Microprobe

PPT Slide


PPT Slide

Sensitivity and Resolution

Nuclear vs Electronic?

Nuclear microprobe essential components

Melbourne Nuclear Microprobe System

Chamber inside

World distribution of nuclear microprobe laboratories

Ion beam analysis with focused beams

PPT Slide

Specimen structure in unfocused beam studies

What about the last nuclear microprobe conference?

Channeling Contrast Microscopy of He implanted Diamond

Raman Spectroscopy of microprobe irradiated diamond

Laser annealing of silicon

Growth hillocks in epi-HgCdTe on GaAs

Homoepitaxy on Sumitomo Ion Implanted Diamond

Quality of Homoepitaxay

Nucleation of Growth Defects

Proton Induced X-ray Emission channeling P in diamond

Semiconductor Mineral - Pyrite (FeS2)

Pyrite results

Semiconductor Mineral - Pyrite (FeS2) - Channeling results

keV Electron (EBIC) and MeV Ion (IBIC) compared

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

CCM imaging of photovoltaic cells

IBIC on solar cells

Imaging Methods with Ion Beam Analysis

IBIC and Optical compared

IBIC of Si grain boundaries in poly-Si solar cells

IBIC spectra from a Solar Cell

IBIC on CVD Diamond

IBIC from poly-diamond detector material (Norton)

Ionoluminescence from poly-diamond detector material (Norton)

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

Efficiency of bio-simulcra for radio-oncology


Author: David N. Jamieson


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