00001 *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00002 *//                                                                          //
00003 *//                       Pseudo-Class  GLK                                  //
00004 *//                                                                          //
00005 *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00007 *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00008 *// =======================================================================  //
00009 *// ==========================  _GLK_  ====================================  //
00010 *// ========== General Library of histogramming/ploting utilities =========  //
00011 *// ========== It is similar but not identical to HBOOK and HPLOT =========  //
00012 *// =======================================================================  //
00013 *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00014 *//                                                                          //
00015 *//                      Version:    1.30                                    //
00016 *//              Last correction:    December 1997                           //
00017 *//                                                                          //
00018 *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00020       INTEGER    m_version         ! this is version version number
00021       PARAMETER( m_version = 130)
00022 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00023       INTEGER m_idmax              ! maximum number of bins
00024       PARAMETER( m_idmax=400)
00025 * Parameters m_buf1 and m_buf2 are lenths of buffors/headers in the histogram
00026 * m_buf1 is for 1-dim histogram and m_buf2 for 2-dim histo
00027 * m_buf2 is still not very consequently implemented 
00028 * so m_buf1=m_buf2 is still required
00029       INTEGER m_buf1, m_buf2
00030       PARAMETER( m_buf1=24, m_buf2=24)
00031       INTEGER m_MaxNb
00032       PARAMETER( m_MaxNb = 1000)   ! maximum numbers of bins
00033 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00034       INTEGER    m_LenmB
00035       PARAMETER (m_LenmB = 50000)
00036       DOUBLE PRECISION   m_b
00037       INTEGER m_out, m_huni, m_length, m_LenInd, m_index
00038       CHARACTER*80 m_titlc
00039       INTEGER m_lint, m_ltx, m_KeyTit
00040       CHARACTER*80 m_titch         ! title of plot, several lines
00041       INTEGER      m_titlen        ! number of lines
00042       PARAMETER(   m_titlen =50)
00043       CHARACTER*1  m_BS            ! backslash character
00044       INTEGER      m_tline         ! variable controling style of line or mark
00045       CHARACTER*80 m_Color         ! string defining color
00046       INTEGER      m_KeyCol        ! control of color use, reset internaly!
00047       INTEGER      m_KeyTbr        ! control of table range, reset after use!
00048       INTEGER      m_TabRan        ! Table range for ploting
00049 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00050       COMMON  /c_GLK/ 
00051      $   m_b(m_LenmB),             ! storage for all histograms
00052      $   m_out,                    ! general output for printouts
00053      $   m_huni,                   ! disk unit number for histos
00054      $   m_length,                 ! act. length of m_b   (less than m_LenmB )
00055      $   m_LenInd,                 ! act. length of index, UNDER DEVELOPEMENT!
00056      $   m_index(m_idmax,3),       ! index of histos
00057      $   m_titlc(m_idmax),         ! titles of histos
00058      $   m_tline,                  ! general output for printouts
00059      $   m_lint,                   ! argument of gplint, sets various styles
00060      $   m_ltx,                    ! output unit for latex
00061      $   m_titch(m_titlen),        ! title of plot, several lines
00062      $   m_Color,                  ! string defining color
00063      $   m_KeyTit,                 ! status key of plot Title
00064      $   m_KeyCol,                 ! status key of Color
00065      $   m_KeyTbr,                 ! status key of Table range for ploting
00066      $   m_TabRan(3),              ! Table range for ploting
00067      $   m_BS                      ! backslash for LaTex (machine dependent!)
00069 *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00070 *//                                                                          //
00071 *//                      End of CLASS  GLG                                   //
00072 *//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Generated on Sun Oct 20 20:24:08 2013 for C++InterfacetoTauola by  doxygen 1.6.3