
00001       program main_UpUp_TauTau_NLO
00002       implicit none!
00003 !#include "s2n_declare.h"
00005       integer*4  l1,l2,l3,l4,iz
00006       integer*4 iqed,iew,iborn,gfscheme,ifgg
00007       real*8     sum,sig(2),har,hai,nc,fc,tlmu2,cosf
00008       real*8     s,t,u,betaf,sigma,mta,conhc,pi
00009       complex*16 UpUp_TauTau_HA_NLO,ha
00010       external   UpUp_TauTau_HA_NLO
00012 **********************************************************
00013 *   iqed     = 0   without QED corrections
00014 *              1   with QED corrections
00015 *              2   ISR
00016 *              3   IFI
00017 *              4   FSR
00018 *              5   [IFI+FSR]
00019 *
00020 *   iew      = 0   without Weak corrections
00021 *              1   with Weak corrections
00022 *
00023 *   iborn    = 0   Born + 1-loop
00024 *              1   Born
00025 *
00026 *   gfscheme = 0   alpha(0) calculation scheme
00027 *              1   GF
00028 *              2   GF prime
00029 *                
00030 *   ifgg    = -1   ffgg = 0
00031 *              0          zoro
00032 *              1          [zoro+coeff*ff_gg]
00033 *              2          [zoro/(1d0 - coeff*ff_gg)]
00034 *
00035 ********************************************************
00037 *///////////////////////
00038 *-- Flag settings 
00039       iqed     = 0
00040       iew      = 1
00041       iborn    = 0
00042       gfscheme = 0
00043       ifgg     = 1
00044 *///////////////////////
00045       nc = 1d0
00046       fc = 3d0
00047 *///////////////////////
00048 * 'tlmu2' is IR singularity regulator
00049 *(photon mass sqared). Affects NLO
00050 * amlitude in case QED is on(iqed=1)
00051       tlmu2 = 1d-5
00052       call flagset(iqed,iew,iborn,gfscheme,ifgg,nc,fc,tlmu2)
00053 *///////////////////////
00055       call paraget(mta,conhc,pi)
00057 *///////////////////////
00058       call PrintConsts(0)
00060 *///////////////////////
00061 * Mandelstam  variables
00062       s = 4900.d0
00063 *- banchmark values for sigma
00064       cosf = 0.896067987d0 ! sigma = 0.314137724
00065       cosf = 0.515891036d0 ! sigma = 0.563049574
00066       cosf = 0.103059961d0 ! sigma = 1.37836685
00067       cosf = 0.000969684d0 ! sigma = 1.66750761
00068       cosf =-0.255370913d0 ! sigma = 2.54648731
00069 *-
00070       betaf = sqrt(1d0-4d0*mta**2/s)
00071       t = mta**2 - s/2*(1d0-betaf*cosf)
00072       u = mta**2 - s/2*(1d0+betaf*cosf)
00073 *//////////////////////
00075       do iz = 0,1
00076          sum = 0d0
00077          do l1 = 1,2
00078             do l2 = 1,2
00079                do l3 = 1,2
00080                 do l4 = 1,2
00081                  call UpUp(l1,l2,l3,l4,s,t,u,iz,har,hai);
00082                  sum = sum +har*har+hai*hai! ha*dconjg(ha)
00083                 enddo
00084                enddo
00085             enddo
00086          enddo
00087          sig(iz+1) = sum
00088       enddo
00089       sigma = conhc*                  ! to pbarn
00090      &         nc/fc*1d0/2/s * 
00091      &         1d0/4 *                ! spin sum
00092      &         (sig(2) - sig(1)) *    ! |Amp|^2 - linearized
00093      &         betaf/16/pi            ! phase_space/dcos{theta}
00094       print*,''
00095       print*, "d_sigma/d_cos{theta} = ",sigma
00096       print*,''
00098       stop
00099       end
Generated on Sun Oct 20 20:24:08 2013 for C++InterfacetoTauola by  doxygen 1.6.3