
I am Sanjay Patil, a recent PhD graduate from School of Physics, at the University of Melbourne. During my PhD, I worked in the observational cosmology group headed by Dr. Christian Reichardt. Prior to this, I did my Integrated M.Sc. at IIT-Kharagpur. I worked under the supervision of Prof. Somnath Bharadwaj for my master thesis titled "f(R) to produce inflationary Cosmology". In this webpage you can find my research interests, publications, and my CV.

Contact Details

Sanjaykumar Patil
#312, David Caro Building
School of Physics
University of Melbourne
Melbourne, VIC 3010

s.patil2 at student.unimelb.edu.au


Broadly speaking, I am interested in age old questions such as where did we come from, what's the fate of the Universe, what the Universe is made up of etc.,. I try to find answers to these questions by fitting theory to cosmological data sets. Currently, I am part of South Pole Telescope (SPT), which as name suggets is located at South Pole and observes the pristine southern sky at mili-meter wavelengths.
According to the current cosmological paradigm, 95% of the Universe is made of dark sector - ~26% of which is dark matter, responsible for additional gravitational effects found in large scale structures and ~ 69% of it is dark energy which is suspected to be the reason for accelerated expansion of the Universe. Galaxy clusters being the most massive objects in the Universe (100 trillion times more massive than Sun!!) are excllent probes of the matter and energy content in the Universe. However, cluster cosmology is currently limited by uncertainty in mass estimation. As part of my PhD, I am developing statistical and mathematical methods for robust galaxy cluster mass estimation using Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Lensing.
