Ancient and living Mesoamerican Skies  [slides]

David Caro building, Level 7 conference room


More information

Yuxiang Qin

  • Dr Javier Mejuto
    Dr Javier Mejuto, Faculty
    Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras

    Email: javier.mejuto[at]


The sky was observed in ancient times by Mesoamerican peoples for thousands of years, recording even the most subtle of their changes such as comets, shooting stars, eclipses and -of course- stars, planets, the Sun and the Moon. This knowledge was included in their cultures as a way of understanding the world around them and was codified in their systems of knowledge as an inheritance for the next generations. Perhaps the culture that shows this astronomical knowledge more clearly is the Mayan Culture, we will see archaeological and historical examples that show this legacy left by mayan astronomers and how this celestial observation continues in the original Honduran peoples today.