National Committee for Astronomy

Meeting on Australia-Japan Cooperation in Astronomy

held at the Kyoto IAU General Assembly 17 August 1997


Brian Boyle, Ron Ekers, Mokoto Inoue, Keiichi Kodaira, Norio Kaifu, Hiroshi Karoji, Jeremy Mould, Naomasa Nakai, Hiroshi Ohtani, Bruce Peterson, Kenichi Wakamatsu


1.  Opening remarks:

Kodaira:    Welcome to Kyoto ! 

Effective cooperation must come from the bottom-up, rather than
be imposed from the top down. Australia-Japan collaboration is
of long standing, as many of Japan's radio astronomers learned
many of their professional skills in Australia.


                  AUSTRALIA                JAPAN
 Location         South                    North
 Time             Same Time Zone           Same Time Zone
 Facilities:      (unique) radio           (mm-wave) radio           
                  optical/IR               (new) optical/IR

 Major university research programs

 Our goals:       acquaintance, collaboration, cooperation


2.  Astronomy situation in the two countries

Kaifu:        NAOJ (National / Inter University Institute)
(about 100 research staff (50% in Japan) in all fields of
ground-based astronomy)

Divisions:                       Observation/Research facilities:

Optical/IR Astronomy Division    Subaru Telescope (Hawaii)
                                 Okayama Astrophysical Observatory
                                 (Dodaira Astronomical Observatory)

Astrometry & Celestial Mechanics
 Division                        Tama-300 (GravityWave Telescope)

Solar Physics Division           Norikura Solar Observatory
Theoretical Astrophysics Division

Radio Astronomy Division         Nobeyama Cosmic Radio Observatory
                                 Nobeyama Solar Radio Observatory

Earth Rotation Division          Mizusawa Astrogeodynamics
                                 Astronomical Data Analysis Center
                                 Advanced Technology Center

Admin & Engineering support

Other Institutes/Universities:

ISAS(Institute for Space Science and Aeronautical Science)
     National / Interuniversity Institute for Space Science

     ASCA(X), YUHKOH (Solar)*, HALCA(VSOP)*, IRIS(IR) etc
          *cooperation program with NAOJ

University of Tokyo      Dept of Astronomy    SDSS
                                              CO2-1 60cm Chile
                         Inst of Astronomy    Magnum 2 metre IR Maui
                         Dept of Physics      1.2 metre submm Mt Fuji

University of Nagoya     Dept of Physics      X-ray Astro-X
                                              IR IRIS cooled 60 cm
                                              IR 1.5-m S Hemisphere
                                              Radio 4 m mm,Chile

University of Kyoto      Dept of Astronomy    3D spectroscopy, general
                         Hida Observatory     Domeless solar telescope
                         Physics              IR OH supp sp for Subaru
                                              X-ray   ASCA, Astro-E

Kagoshima University     Radio                6 m mm-wave & VLBI
Tohoku university        Dept of Astronomy    to start IR developments

other universities       some 20 compact groups for observation/theory

CRL (Communication Research Lab National Institute);  IR group
                                                      VLBI group

Future plans:   NAOJ (next 10 years)

 Optical/IR - - - - > Subaru
            - - - - >
 Astrometry - - - - > IR interferometer
                      Gravitational wave telescope (Tama 300 & next)
 Solar     - - - - -> Solar B (space project)
 Nobeyama   - - - - > LMSA (accepted by NCA Japan as next natl project)
            - - - - > HALCA (VSOP)
            - - - - >
 Mizusawa  - - - - -> VERA


Mould:   Australian Major Astronomical Facilities

         ATCA (Narrabri)*
         Australian VLB network*
         Parkes, 64m*               
            *centrally organized by ATNF

Australian universities  (most active in astronomy of 37 universities)

         ANU             operates MSSSO          Canberra
         UNSW            IR, extragalactic       Sydney
         Sydney          operates SUSI (optical interferometer)
                         MOST                   (radio telescope)
         Tasmania        VLBI                    Hobart
         Melbourne       lensing
         Adelaide        CANGAROO
         UWA             (gravity waves)         Perth

 Future:   (AA>2000)

upgrade ATCA to 100 GHz                          commenced
collaborate with international 8 metre projects  first: 5% Gemini
site test Antarctica                             IR & submm study
1kT (1-km2 radio telescope project)              at cm wavelength
          (not shown in order of priority)


3.  Proposals/suggestions and discussion on possible cooperation

Karoji:  Subaru  Instrumentation/Scientific Cooperation

described in Kyoto IAU 23 booklet, seven instruments + AO, and on the
science WG which are under organization by each instrument group.
Cooperation from other countries can be included
         Suprime-Cam (Visual; Prime)
         AO (NIR; Cassegrain)
         CIAO (NIR; Cassegrain)
         IRCS (NIR; Cassegrain)
         FOCAS (visual; Cassegrain)
         COMICS (MIR; Cassegrain)
         OHS (NIR; IR Nasmyth)
         HDS (visual; visual Nasmyth)

Boyle:   Optical/AAO Instrumentation/Scientific Cooperation

described in 5 page handout, including five potential general
collaborative programs (and 10 specific possible 6dF projects)
Inoue and Ishiguro:  Radio/Nobeyama

Brief descriptions on situation and on-going plans

45 m telescope, 25 beam RX (to operation)
mm array upgrade (higher sensitivity)
RAINBOW (high sensitivity array with 45-m and 6 10-m)
LMSA (national project next to Subaru, aims to start from 2000)
status of cooperation with US on future array and on Chile

Possible cooperation on the broadband correlator was briefly

Ekers:   Radio/ATNF   3 page handout:

 1) Existing Collaborations: ATNF, VSOP, exchange, board members

 2) New and Future Facilities
        ATCA upgrade to 1 cm (7mm possible), 3.5 mm, and NS arm
        VLBI upgrade (1996-2002); APT
        Parkes multibeam (operational now)

3) Future collaboration possibilities
        mm VLBI, joint mm developments, VERA, VSOP2


4.  Realization of cooperation; action items

*Subaru 2nd phase instruments, including FMOS
1 new Subaru instrument (of typical scope) every three years
        conceptual design review for FMOS    12 months from now
        modifications                        will take 6 months
        possible funding                     from second quarter
                                              of 1999
continued dialogue: Karoji/Boyle

        keep contact/discussion
        continued dialogue: Inoue/Ekers

         --> 850 GHz    50 x 10 m antennas
        high sites (4,200 ~4,800m) under test in N. Chile,
          decision within this year
        2km, up to 10 km baselines by international cooperation;
        relationship with US/ESO MMA/LSA ??
        need for technology development
continued dialogue: Kaifu/Ekers

* Bandwidth of internet link for data transfer between Au & Jp ?
continued dialogue: Mould/Wakamatsu

* Exchange of scientists

  Visiting Professor       > 3 months duration appointment
  JSPS                     needs MOU
  prototype workshops      under organization by M. Bessell
  ongoing workshops        bilateral programs
continued dialogue: Bessell/Karoji

* Shared access to astronomical optical and radio facilities

the policy in the case of all the above mentioned facilities
is open access on scientific merit, regardless of the proposer's
national origin; thus there are no specific issues to address
here at the present time; we may discuss on this subject when
needed for promotion of cooperation.

* Collaboration Board
  function:  draft an MOU for Australia Japan cooperation in Astronomy
             encourage and monitor cooperation
             organize meetings etc. if required
             report to National Committees
continued dialogue: Kaifu, Inoue / Ekers, Peterson

* Meeting minutes
continued dialogue: Mould/Kaifu

email addresses:
Brian Boyle 
Ron Ekers   
Jeremy Mould
Bruce Peterson
Mokoto Inoue
Keiichi Kodaira
Norio Kaifu 
Hiroshi Karoji
Naomasa Nakai
Hiroshi Ohtani
Kenichi Wakamatsu


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