All general information about MC-TESTER can be found on the official website.



Can be found in Athena from release 14.2.0

MCTester external package

MCTester_i generator package (with algorithm and jobOption)

Doxgyen documention on MCTester_i algorithm

Tau Decay Results

Here you will find some of the MC-TESTER output comparing various Monte-Carlo Generators. These datasets were chosen, several with known problems, to demonstrate the use of MC-TESTER in monte-carlo validation for Athena. The shape difference parameter was calculated using User Analysis MCTest01.

Please ignore some entries with zero tau lifetime. These come from tau -> gamma tau. This type of decay can be ignored by setting MCTesterToolAlg.include_decays_to_self='false' in the jobOption file.

For a description of csc11.005107, mc12.005107, mc12.005189, mc12.005607, valid1.005107.e337 and associated problems please visit the tau working group twiki. For a description of ZZ->llll and it's problem please see the generation hypernews

mc12.005107 vs. csc11.005107Booklet They look compatable.
mc12.005107 vs. mc12.005189Booklet They look compatable. Note that radiative corrections are placed differently in the event record for each.
mc12.005189 vs. mc12.005607Booklet Differences can be seen (as expected since 005607 does not use tauola)
ZZ->llll Grepped log for ZZ.llll Sample with known issue in r <= 13. Some taus remain stable. fixed in r14.
mc12.005107 vs. valid1.005107.e337 Grepped log for valid1.005107.e337 and Booklet They look compatable, Should be okay, but 77 out of 8220 valid1.005107.e337 events failed 4-momentum conservation check