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Last modified: 2024
Authorised by: C.T. Chantler
Maintained by: C. T. Chantler
The University of Melbourne  

[School of Physics - Optics Group]

C. T. Chantler - Brief summary of Conferences

Selected Conferences


  • ISRP, Lisbon. Plenary.


  • December ICAPMA Opening Plenary
  • >October 16th Ð 21st ICDA-4 Valencia, Spain
  • >22-29 August IUCr Congress MCEC Melbourne. SO [CTC CQT] SD-M [DS NTTT EK GC] P
  • >22 August CXAFS Workshop, MCEC Melbourne [Chair, Plenary]
  • >17-19 August Q2XAFS Satellite, AS, UM [Chair, Plenary] Plenary Ruwini. Chanh. P Nich. P Paul. Martin. Sofia.
  • 2023 July 23-28 IRRMA Bologna, Italy [Org Committee, Plenary] 2Plenary + 7SO + P Inv. CTC. Inv. CQT. 2SO Jonathan SO+P Truong SO Hamish Brianna. SO Tony SO Minh SO Paul DiP
  • >AISAMP 17 Feb


  • Dec AIP Congress Adelaide [2SO 2P] SO CTC, SO HAM, P TVBN, P JD [Feng P. Jack W P. Paul di Paschale P]
  • IXAS Sydney July 11th. Jay / CTC / Yves FDMX Workshop [Plenaries]
  • IXAS Sydney July 11-15th. Plenary.
  • 29th March Ð 1st April CONEXS UK. Invited plenary
  • 29-30 March IFARP-4 4th International Forum on Advances in Radiation Physics, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Invited Plenary


  • ISRP Dec 6-10 Sunway Malaysia 2 Plenary. 2IO. 9 SO. 1 P. Plenary
  • 2021 IUCr Congress [August 21-30]
  • 2021 IXAS Virtual [Sydney] (local organising committee)
  • 2021 SCANZ, Crystal 33 Wollongong May 25-27. Lawrence Bragg Medal. IMFP. CXAFS. XAS Accuracy
  • 2021 IFARP 2021 Feb 23-24 online 1 Plenary [CTC], 1P F Wang, 1P CQ Tran. 9+3 IO.


  • 2020 SMART-Mat Plenary [Virtual Conference]
  • 2020 ICNASA Swinburne, Melbourne, 1-3 February, Keynote Oral [Plasmons IMFP] 1IO
  • [2020 Diamond Colloquium, DLS, Didcot, UK, Invited 20 Jan]


  • 2019 Paul diPaschale, CQT, CTC, etc. ASUM [AIP meeting] 1 SO
  • 2019 ICNASA Swinburne, Melbourne, 3-5 July, Invited Oral [Ferrocene XAS & IR]
  • 2019 ICDA-3 Invited Plenary, 2 SO, 1 P, 26 May - 1 June, Lisbon
  • 2019 QUANT Invited plenary, 13 - 17 May, Lisbon


  • 2018 AIP Congress Perth. 9-14 December 3 SO. 1 P.
  • 2018 ANSTO User Meeting 2018 November 1 SO. 1 P.
  • 2018 LEEMPEEM DGL, Chongqing, China. Novel Plasmon-Coupling Theory of the Electron Inelastic Mean Free Path for XAFS theory, data analysis and diffraction. Invited plenary 30 October - 3 November
  • 2018 ISRP14 Cordoba, Argentina. Alice in Wonderland: How to understand Dementia from fundamental radiation physics and chemistry Plenary Christopher T Chantler, Ruwini S K Ekanayake, Stephen P Best, Victor A Streltsov [1] 7-11 October
  • 2018 IXAS Bourke, Chantler. Krakov, Poland. Theory and software development. Invited plenary. Selected Orals [Ryan Solving Self-Absorption in Fluorescence: Stereochemical Analysis of mM solutions Martin Propagation of uncertainty in experiment: structures of Ni (II) coordination complexes Chantler Accuracy and insight possible with advanced methods in absorption and fluorescence XAS. Chantler Helping to set standards for high quality XAFS: Q2XAFS, Round Robin, International Tables for Crystallography I] poster [6] Memorial for Mark Ridgway. 22-27 July 5


  • 2017 IUCr Congress Workshop. 3 invited orals (plenaries), chair. 3 selected orals; Ruwini selected oral; Geoff Cousland, Chantler presentations
  • 2017 IUCr Congress, XAFS Workshop, Hyderabad, India. XAFS Theory. Plenary, 21 August
  • 2017 Q2XAFS, Diamond, UK. Accuracy and insight possible with advanced methods in absorption and fluorescence, Opening Plenary, 13-16 August. Chair
  • 2017 IRRMA X, Chicago, USA, The International Topical Meeting on Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement Applications. X-ray and electron data science and analytics, Plenary 9-13 July


  • 2016 APPC-AIP 22 Congress, Brisbane X-ray measurements in exotic atoms increase discrepancy in QED tests, Novel Plasmon-Coupling Theory of the Electron Inelastic Mean Free Path, Hybrid XAS technique for dilute 1-15mM solutions at high accuracy 4-8 December
  • 2016 IDCA2, Surrey, UK, DFT and Plasmon-Coupling Models for New Theory of the Electron Inelastic Mean Free Path for Monte Carlo and Electron Transport, 3-8 July
  • 2016 ISSRNS Ustron, Poland, The Hybrid XAS technique for dilute [1-10 mM] solutions at high accuracy, 13-18 June
  • 2016 PEARL Fudan, China, X-ray measurements in exotic atoms increase discrepancy between experiment and QED - How do we learn from discrepancies to find new science? 1-5 May


  • 2015 AOFSRR + AS User Meeting. 1 SO, 3P. Hybrid Transmission Ni solutions 1-15 mM; Ferrocene fluorescence (dilute systems); XERT overview; FDMX (Bourke)
  • 2015 Workshop on CoE Quantum Behaviour of Complex Molecular and Plasma Systems, June 2-3, Melbourne (Chair)
  • 2015 ISRP-13 Scientific Program Committee and Advisory Board September 7-13, 2015, Beijing, China [Truong oral, invited, plenary + CTC oral, invited, plenary]
  • 2015 LEE 2015 Castle Hernstein. Plenary Workshop on Low Energy Electrons: Dynamics and Correlation near Surfaces and Nanostuctures (LEE2015) September 7-11, 2015 Schloss Hernstein/30 km from Vienna, Austria
  • 2015 Tihany Hungary Selected Talk
  • 2015 IXAS Invited XAFS16, 23 - 28 August 2015, Karlsruhe, Germany. International Advisory and Program Committee. SPB Invited. CTC oral (selected) + CXAFS talk (invited)
  • 2015 DESY (Hamburg) 21 - 22 August 2015 Data acquisition, treatment, storage - quality assurance in XAFS spectroscopy
  • 2015 Workshop on CoE Quantum Behaviour of Complex Molecular and Plasma Systems, June2-3, Melbourne (Chair, speaker)


  • 2014 December 7-11 AIP Congress. Invited talk, Selected Talk, 2P
  • 2014 CRYSTAL29 SCANZ Conference 22-25 April O'Reilly's Rainforest Retreat in the Lamington National Park in the Gold Coast Hinterland in Queensland
  • 2014 PEARL 2014 Physics at EBITs and Advanced Research Light sources, May 2-5, Shanghai, Invited Plenary
  • 2014 EBIST14 Symposium, May 18-21, Michigan State University NSCL, Invited Plenary
  • 2014 EXRS 2014 Bologna 15-20 June, Invited plenary, accepted
  • 2014 5 August, Montreal, Canada, Chair with B Bunker, F Javilebrand of XAFS Workshop. Plenary.
  • 2014 IUCr Congress - International Organising Committee Member; coordinator of 6 MicroSymposia 5-12 August. Montreal, Canada +CTC, JB, LJT, SPB, FW
  • 2014 Workshop on Science at the Interface of Atomic and Nuclear Physics, 18 Sept, Invited Plenary, QED


  • 2013 Australian Synchrotron User Meeting Melbourne, ASUM presentations: J Bourke & CTC, selected oral; L Tantau, CTC selected oral; L Tantau et al., poster; M T Islam, poster; B Sobott, poster.
  • 2013 Closing Ceremony of ANBF, Photon Factory, Tsukuba
  • 2013 VUVX Hefei China, J Bourke & CTC, invited; CTC, selected; J Lowe & CTC, selected; 2 Posters.


  • 2012 ISRP (ISAC) 1SO, 5 submissions
  • 2012 HCI Invited talk + 1 poster
  • 2012 AOFSSR Invited Plenary
  • 2012 IXAS Beijing China. (ISAC) Invited talk [3] + 2 posters
  • 2012 PSAS Invited Plenary + 2 posters


  • 2011 ASUM Islam, Chantler, Best, Wang et al. 1P
  • 2011 Q2XAFS Plenary + 4P
  • 2011 ICPEAC, Belfast 27 July-2 August Submissions 4P
  • 2011 Crystal XXVII Rotorua, New Zealand, 27-30 April 1SO, 3P
  • 2011 XXII International Union of Crystallography Congress Madrid 22-30 August: Chair of MicroSymposium: XAFS instrumentation: automation, standardization and validation of XAFS experiments (August 28); 1IO, 2P
  • 2011 XXII Workshop International Union of Crystallography Congress Madrid 22August: XAFS Plenary
  • 2011 IRMMA June 26-July 1, Kansas 3 Invited Orals [Plenaries], 1 Poster
  • 2011 EXSA Fundamental Parameters Workshop, NIST, USA, July 28-29, invited plenary [declined - conflict with ICPEAC]
  • 2011 IUCr / IXAS Joint Workshop: International Workshop on Improving Data Quality and Quantity for XAFS Experiments, Tsukuba, April [postponed to Sept by natural disaster], 2011 Plenary: A step toward standardization: development of accurate measurements of X-ray absorption C T Chantler (Melbourne University)


  • 2010 Australian Synchrotron User Meeting Nov 22-24 Oral on Inelastic Mean Free Paths + 3P
  • 2010 AIP Congress, Melbourne 5-9 December 1IO 3SO, 6P
  • 2010 VUVX2010, 37th International Conference on Vacuum Ultra-Violet and X-ray Physics, 11-16 July 2010, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC; International Advisory Board; 5P


  • 2009 SRI, Sept 28 - Oct 3, Melbourne P - Accurate Measurement and Physical Insight: Latest results of the X-ray Extended Range Technique for high accuracy absolute XAFS and a golden future for the Australian Synchrotron; Session Chair
  • 2009 ISRP-11 Workshop on Advances in Analytical Techniques in Geology, Conservation Science, Forensic Science, Border Technology & Environmental Science, September 26-27, Melbourne, Chair, IO/Pl: XERT
  • 2009 ISRP-11, September 20-25, Melbourne, Chair, Managing Editor, IO, SO+8P: JL Glover et al., Nano-roughness in gold revealed from X-ray signature; SO+P: NA Rae et al., Measurements of X-ray mass attenuation coeffcients and determination of the imaginary components of the atomic form-factor of zinc over the energy range of 7.2 keV-15.2 keV; A Payne et al., Optimisation of the spatial linearity in backgammon-type multi-wire gas proportional counters; J Bourke et al., Novel measurement of low energy electron inelastic mean free paths in copper; J Bourke et al., Extended x-ray absorption fine structure calculations for copper using the finite difference method; JL Glover et al., Measurements of the X-ray mass-attenuation coefficient and imaginary component of the form factor of copper; LF Smale et al., Towards a characterization of K beta spectral profiles for scandium, titanium, chromium and manganese; JA Lowe et al., Ab initio determination of K alpha line strengths, energies and spectator intensities in transition metal atoms; MT Islam et al., Mass attenuation coefficients of gold at nine energies in the region of between 38 and 50 keV with uncertainties of the order of 0.1%
  • 2009 XAFS14, 26 July - 1 Aug., Camerino, Italy, SO+P
  • 2009 Crystal-26, April 14-17, Barossa Valley, SO+5P


  • 2008: AO WEEK, MELBOURNE, 2-5 DECEMBER [SO + 1P]
  • 2008: INTERNATIONAL UNION OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHY CONGRESS 23 -31 AUGUST 2008, OSAKA, JAPAN Databases for Absorption, XAFS and XANES, and future opportunities for research and investigation [P]
  • 2008: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PRECISION PHYSICS OF SIMPLE ATOMIC SYSTEMS PSAS 2008, JULY 21-26, 2008, UNIVERSITY OF WINDSOR, CANADA [IO + 3P] Hydrogenic Lamb Shift in Iron, Revisited, with Lessons for the future and Current Status on the hydrogenic and helium-like investigations of titanium and vanadium at NIST and Oxford; Experimental developments for QED tests in medium-Z systems and two-dimensional backgammon-type detectors; Theoretical Determination of K alpha Spectra, Copper and Manganese; X-ray absorption fine structure theory for copper using new techniques
  • 2008: 21st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON X-RAY AND INNER SHELL PROCESSES X08, 22-27 JUNE, PARIS, FRANCE [SO + 6P + councillor] Accurate Measurement and Physical Insight: The X-ray Extended Range Technique for high accuracy absolute XAFS by transmission and fluorescence; The Hydrogenic Lamb Shift in Iron; Theoretical Determination of Ka Spectra; Copper and Manganese; Experimental developments for QED tests in medium-Z systems and two-dimensional backgammon-type detectors; X-ray absorption fine structure calculations for copper using new techniques; Theoretical XANES study of an organometallic cluster; High Accuracy Measurement of the XAFS of Zinc, Selenium and Zinc Selenide
  • 2008: AUSTRALIAN X-RAY ANALYTICAL ASSOCIATION 2008, GRAND HYATT, MELBOURNE, VICTORIA 4-8 FEBRUARY: PROGRAM COMMITTEE, INVITED SPEAKER [2 IO + 9P] Databases for Absorption, XAFS and XANES, and future opportunities for research and investigation; Accurate Measurement and Physical Insight: The X-ray Extended Range Technique for high accuracy absolute XAFS by transmission and fluorescence


  • 2007: AUSTRALIAN SYNCHROTRON RESEARCH PROGRAM (ASRP) USERS MEETING, 11-14 DECEMBER, MONASH UNIVERSITY: Speaker, (Accurate Measurement and Physical Insight: The X-ray Extended Range Technique for high accuracy absolute XAFS by transmission and fluorescence); Speaker, Breakout Session (Scientific Value of BL11); Glover, Chantler: Speaker (Theoretical XANES simulation of an organometallic cluster)
  • 2007: CRYSTAL 25, HUNTER VALLEY, 10-13 APRIL: 1 [IO] (Accurate Measurement and Physical Insight: The X-ray Extended Range Technique for high accuracy absolute XAFS by transmission and fluorescence), 3 posters; Session chair


  • 2006: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP "20 YEARS OF SPECTROSCOPY WITH EBIT," NOV 13-16, 2006, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA: Invited [IO] with incentive, but declined
  • AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS CONGRESS, AIP 2006, BRISBANE QLD DEC 3-7, 2006: AMPQC session [1 IO]: Scattering in Four Flavours using the X-ray Extended Range Technique
  • ISRP 10: 10THINTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON RADIATION PHYSICS, 17-22 SEPTEMBER, 2006, COIMBRA, PORTUGAL [Session chair, 1 IO + 5 P]: 1. Sensitivity to QED corrections in medium Z few-electron systems, C. T. CHANTLER, M. KINNANE, J. KIMPTON, L. SMALE [IO]; 2. J. KIMPTON, M. KINNANE, C. T. CHANTLER [P]; 3. C. T. CHANTLER, C. Q. TRAN, M. D. DE JONGE, Z. BARNEA, N. A. RAE [P]; 4. J. D. BOURKE, C. T. CHANTLER, C. WITTE [P]; 5. C. T. CHANTLER, J. L. GLOVER [P]; 6. J. L. GLOVER, C. T. CHANTLER, A. V. SOLDATOV, M. C. FEITERS [P]
  • CAARI 19: 19th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, August 20-25, 2006, Renaissance Worthington Hotel, Fort Worth, Texas USA: X-ray Extended Range Technique for high accuracy absolute XAFS, Form Factors and Scattering in simple systems, C. T. CHANTLER, C.Q. TRAN, M. D. DE JONGE, Z. BARNEA, N. A. RAE [1 IO]
  • XAFS 13: 13th International Conference on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center, Stanford, CA U.S.A., July 9-14, 2006. 6 presentations [SO + 5 P]: 1. The X-ray Extended Range Technique for high accuracy absolute XAFS, Form Factors and Scattering in simple systems, C. T. Chantler, C. Q. Tran, M. D. de Jonge, Z. Barnea, N. A. Rae [SO]; 2. L.F. SMALE, C. T. CHANTLER, M. D. DE JONGE, Z. BARNEA, C. Q. TRAN; 3. J. D. BOURKE, C. T. CHANTLER, C. WITTE; 4. C. T. CHANTLER, J. L. GLOVER; 5. J. L. GLOVER, C. T. CHANTLER, A. V. SOLDATOV, M. C. FEITERS; 6. C. Q. TRAN, C. T. CHANTLER, Z. BARNEA, M. D. DE JONGE, N. A. RAE, L. YOUNG, S. H. SOUTHWORTH, E. KANTER, K. ATTENKOFER, M. BENO
  • PSAS 2006: International Workshop on Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems, Venice International University, Isola di San Servolo, June 12-17, 2006 [1 IO + 2 P] 1. Sensitivity to QED corrections in medium Z few-electron systems, C. T. CHANTLER, M. KINNANE, J. KIMPTON, L. SMALE [IO]; 2. J. KIMPTON, M. KINNANE, C. T. CHANTLER [P]; 3. C. T CHANTLER et al. [P]
  • AXAA National Seminar Series 2006, Ian Wark Lecture Theatre, CSIRO Molecular and Health Technologies, Melbourne, Wed 5th April 2006: 2 Presentations: 1. The X-ray Extended Range Technique for high accuracy absolute XAFS, Form Factors and Scattering in simple systems, C. T. CHANTLER, C. Q. TRAN, M. D. DE JONGE, Z. BARNEA, N. A. RAE [IO]; 2. High precision powder diffraction analysis and energy determination using synchrotron radiation, N. A. RAE, Z. BARNEA, C. T. CHANTLER, M. D. DE JONGE, C.Q. TRAN [P]


  • Conference Presentations, X-ray and Inner Shell Processes XX, X05, Melbourne, Australia 4-8 July 2005. 7 presentations [Kinnane SO, Chantler SO, Kimpton, Chantler/Witte, Smale, Rae, Tran]
  • Invited Speaker, Breakout session, Australian Synchrotron & ASRP Users: XAS Workshop 5-7 Dec. 2005
  • Invited Speaker, ESI for Synchrotron Sciences Symposium and Workshop, Ian Wark Lecture Theatre, CSIRO Molecular Science, Bayview Avenue, Clayton Vic. April 12-13, 2005
  • 16th Biennial Congress 2005, The Australian Institute of Physics, " Physics for the Nation, " January 31 - February 4, 2005, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia [7 presentations]

    C1 AMPQC: Measurement of two-electron QED in Helium-like Titanium, C. T. Chantler, M. Kinnane, J. Kimpton, G. Christodoulou, C-H. Su

    C2 X-ray absorption near-edge structure calculations for silver C. T. Chantler, E. C. Cosgriff, C. Witte, L.F. Smale, C Q. Tran, M. D. de Jonge, Z. Barnea

    C3 X-Ray Extended-Range Technique For Precision Measurement Of The X-Ray Mass Attenuation Coefficient And Im(f) For Molybdenum Using Synchrotron Radiation, C. T. Chantler, M. D. de Jonge, Z. Barnea, C. Q. Tran

    C4 AOS: Latest results for silver atomic form factors in the relativistic regime - a new frontier, C. T. Chantler, Z. Barnea, C Q. Tran, M. D. de Jonge

    C5 New experimental approach to QED tests in medium-Z systems, J. Kimpton, M. Kinnane, G. Christodoulou, C-H. Su, C. T. Chantler

    C6 AIP Congress: ASRP: The X-ray Extended Range Technique for high accuracy atomic structure in simple systems C. Q. Tran, C. T. Chantler, M. D. de Jonge, Z. Barnea and N. Rae

    C7 Failure of XAFS interpretation for ab initio investigations - a new way forward L.F. Smale, C. T. Chantler, E. C. Cosgriff, M. D. de Jonge, Z. Barnea, C. Q. Tran


  • AsiaPacific CQT 2004 (1+1)
  • SPIE MdJ 2004 (1 IP: Determination of the mass attenuation coefficient [mu / rho] of molybdenum)
  • Hydrogen Atom III: International Conference on Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems, Mangaratiba, Rio de Janeiro, August 1-4, 2004 (1 IP: The X-ray Extended Range Technique for high accuracy atomic structure in simple systems) (1: New experimental approach to QED tests in medium-Z systems)
  • XIX International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 25-30 July 2004 " Latest Results for silver atomic form factors in the relativistic regime," (1)


  • ISRP-9 9th International Symposium on Radiation Physics, Cape Town, South Africa, 27-31 October, 2003, Discrepancies in QED Opening Plenary
  • ISRP Workshop on Radiation based analytical techniques, iThemba labs, Cape Town, 24-26 October, 2003 Absorption & Scattering
  • ASCA03/Crystal 23, Broome, August 2003 [3 presentations]
  • Sagamore03, Broome, August 2003 [Invited]


  • X2002, Rome, June 2002 [IO, SO and two other presentations]
  • X-RAY AND INNER-SHELL PROCESSES: 19th International Conference on X-Ray and Inner-Shell Processes, Antonio Bianconi, Augusto Marcelli, Naurang L. Saini, AIP Conference Proceedings 652, Rome, Italy, 24-28 June 2002
  • PSAS 2, St Petersburg, Russia, June 2002 IO
  • AOS2002, co-located with AIP congress 2002, Darling Harbour Sydney, July [IO and group 7 others],
  • AMPQC session of AIP congress 2002, Darling Harbour Sydney, July [SO and group 1] Institute of Physics.


  • AOS2000, the 13th Conference of the Australian Optical Society, 11-15 December 2000, University of Adelaide [10 presentations, technical program committee, including New Theoretical Investigation Resolving Discrepancies Of Atomic Form Factors And Attenuation Coefficients In The Near-Edge Soft X-Ray Regime, C. T. Chantler] as part of the
  • Australian Institute of Physics Congress, 11-15 December 2000, University of Adelaide Adelaide, Australia 28 Dec. 2000 [AOS presentations above plus 3 additional presentations in AMPQC: What Is Wrong With The Fundamental Constants Of Nature? C. T. Chantler; High-accuracy absolute test of Quantum Electrodynamics for helium-like and hydrogenic vanadium using the NIST Electron-Beam Ion Trap. D. Paterson, C. T. Chantler, L. T. Hudson, F. G. Serpa, J. D. Gillaspy, and E. Takacs; X-Ray Extended-Range Technique For Precision Measurement Of The X-Ray Mass Attenuation Coefficient And Im(F) For Copper Using Synchrotron Radiation, C.Q. Tran, D. Paterson, Z. Barnea, D.J. Cookson, C.T. Chantler]
  • XVII International Conference on Atomic Physics, ICAP 2000, Firenze, June 4-9, 2000 [3 presentations, see also J.D. Gillaspy on EBIT work]
  • International Symposium on Radiation Physics 2000, ISRP 2000, Prague, Czech Republic [3 presentations]
  • Hydrogen Atom II: Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems, PSAS 2000, Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy, June 1-3, 2000 [1 presentation]
  • 18th International Conference on X-ray and Inner-Shell Processes (X99, Drake Hotel, 140 East Walton Place, Chicago) 23-27 Aug. 1999 [6 presentations]
  • XVIII International Union of Crystallography Congress (Glasgow) 4-13 August 1999 [2 presentations]
  • 12th Conference of the Australian Optical Society University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, July 4th - 9th , 1999 [5 presentations, technical program committee, coeditor]
  • Australian Institute of Physics Congress 13, Perth, Australia 28 SeptÐ2 Oct. 1998 [2 invited talks plus 2 presentations]
  • Advances, developments and prospects for X-ray science and physics, Melbourne 23 Sept 1998 [Invited talk "The new facility, and tests of Quantum Electro-Dynamics", chairman]
  • Ninth International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions, HCI 98, Bensheim, Germany 13-18 Sept. 1998 [3 presentations]
  • XVI International Conference on Atomic Physics, Windsor, Canada 2-7 Aug. 1998 [Invited review talk "Quantum Electrodynamics and New Physics: a survey of some recent developments, and absolute measurements on the NIST Electron-Beam Ion Trap." plus 2 presentations]
  • EDXRS, Bologna, Italy, 7-12 June, 1998: Invited talk on "The Physics Of X-Ray Production By Electron Bombardment: New Understanding And Experiments," C.Q. Tran, C.T. Chantler, D. Paterson; plus 1 presentation
  • 11th Conference of the Australian Optical Society, University of Adelaide, South Australia, 10-12 Dec. 1997 [4 presentations]
  • Workshop on New Opportunities in Synchrotron Radiation Research, U.Melb. 11 July 1997
  • Chantler, C.T, Paterson, D.J., HCI-96, Eighth International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions, Omiya, Saitama, Japan, 23-26 September 1996.
  • C.T. Chantler, D. Paterson, L.T. Hudson, F.G. Serpa, J.D. Gillaspy, R.D. Deslattes, "Progress towards absolute x-ray spectroscopy on the nist electron-beam ion trap: current status and results," HCI-96.
  • D. Paterson, C.T. Chantler, C. Tran, L.T. Hudson, F.G. Serpa, J.D. Gillaspy, R.D. Deslattes,"Absolute calibration of an x-ray spectrometer on the nist electron-beam ion trap: control, design and systematics," HCI-96.
  • "Tests of QED using X-ray Optics," C. T. Chantler, L. T. Hudson, R. D. Deslattes, J. D. Gillaspy, (Invited) talk at Tenth Conference of the Australian Optical Society (AOS 10), University of Queensland, 5-7 July 1995 (Abstracts, ed. W. R. MacGillivray).
  • "Understanding Interactions of VUV Radiation and X-rays with emulsions," C. T. Chantler, AOS10
  • "Design and Application of Curved Crystal Optics for High Precision X-ray Spectrometry," D. Paterson, C. Tran, C. T. Chantler, AOS10
  • C. T. Chantler, "Progress in Form Factor Tabulations," invited talk, Nineteenth Meeting of the Society of Crystallographers in Australia (Crystal XIX), April 18-21, Ballarat, Victoria, 1995.
  • C. T. Chantler, J.-L. Staudenmann, "Energy Dependences of Absorption in Beryllium Windows and Argon Gas", 5th International Conference on Synchrotron Research Instrumentation, SUNY at Stony Brook, Long Island, NY, July 18-22, 1994.
  • F.G. Serpa, E. Takacs, C.A. Morgan, J.R. Roberts, J.D. Gillaspy, C.T. Chantler, L.T. Hudson, R.D. Deslattes, C.M. Brown, J.M. Laming, "Preliminary results from the EBIT at NIST," presented at DAMOP, APS Spring meeting, April 1994.
  • 8th National Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, N.I.S.T., Gaithersburg, 23-26 Aug. 1993
  • C. T. Chantler, "Developments in computation of form factors", 4th International Colloquium on Atomic Spectra and Oscillator Strengths for Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA (Sept. 14-17, 1992).
  • S.N. Lea, W.A. Hallett, C.T. Chantler, A.J. Varney, P.E.G. Baird, J.D. Silver, A.R. Lee, J. Billowes, "Observation of the 2s Lamb shift in hydrogen-like silicon", ICAP XIII, Munich (Aug. 3-7, 1992).
  • C.T. Chantler, "Towards improved form factor tables", International Conference on Anomalous Scattering, Malente/Hamburg, Germany (Aug. 17-21, 1992).
  • J.D. Gillaspy, Y. Aglitskiy, E.W. Bell, C.M. Brown, C.T. Chantler, R.D. Deslattes, U. Feldman, L.T. Hudson, J.M. Laming, E.S. Meyer, C.A. Morgan, A.I. Pikin, J.R. Roberts, L.P. Ratliff, F.G. Serpa, J. Sugar, E. Takacs, "Overview of the EBIT Program at NIST," Proceedings of the Nobel Symposium 1991.
  • NATO ASI on Atomic Physics of Highly-Ionized Atoms,Cargese, France 5-15 June 1988
  • Symposium on Atomic Spectroscopy and Highly-Ionised Atoms (SASHIA), Chicago, USA, 16-20 Aug. 1987
  • 23rd Plasma Physics Summer School, Culham, UK, 7-18 July 1986
  • Chris. Chantler,
    Last modified: October 2024
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