Reference Works: Encyclopaedia on XAFS
Key ASDP (Australian Synchrotron Development Proposals)
Some 152 chapters by world experts on relativistic quantum mechanics and X-ray absorption spectroscopy, which is one of the two main techniques for structure determination in materials at synchrotrons and lab sources. Some 1074 pp. Each page is like 2-3 normal pages ...
Here are two links for some background information.
The encyclopaedia, ITCI, can be found on Amazon, IUCr and Wiley.
D1. NIST Database 66: FFAST - Form Factor Attenuation Scattering Tables (Version 1.0) July 1995, C.T. Chantler.
D2. NIST Database: FFAST II - Form Factor Attenuation Scattering Tables (Version 2.0) Chantler, C.T., Olsen, K., Dragoset, R.A., Kishore, A.R., Kotochigova, S.A., and Zucker, D.S. (2003), X-Ray Form Factor, Attenuation and Scattering Tables (version 2.0). [Online] Available: National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.
Chantler et al., Atomic plasma and laboratory astrophysics at a synchrotron
Joint proposal - Lay, Chantler, Ridgway for XAS development at the Australian Synchrotron
Each of these have wide community support and more is welcome. The first one is the first proposal involving the Australian physics community and links up to the plasma science, the atomic physics, the relativistic quantum theory and experimental, the laboratory astrophysical and general astrophysical communities, and signatories come from all these areas. The second is particularly developed for advanced high-performance XAS, including accuracies some 100 times that of the literature, including development and implementation of XERT, Hybrid, room temperature, cryogenic, transmission and fluorescence XAS of pure or ideal but also of dilute or radiation sensitive samples, where dilute is defined as being down to 1 mM and likely less for full XAFS, and likely 0.1 mM for XANES; together with energy calibration and RIXS platform. Use of high-flux high-linearity detector technology will be assumed, and experimental uncertainties will be determined in pre-processing and propagated for hypothesis testing. The third has been taken up in ideas for one of the new Bright beamlines at the Australian Synchrotron under ANSTO, though much more work is needed. This was coordinated into a Science Case for future Beamline support [2015].
7. C. T. Chantler, "Towards improved form factor tables", pp 61-78, Invited review chapter in Resonant Anomalous X-Ray Scattering. Theory and Applications, G. Materlik, K. Fischer, C.J. Sparks, eds, (Elsevier, North-Holland, 1994).
40. C.T. Chantler, "Improvements in computation of form factors", Radiation Physics and Chemistry (International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation, Part C) (Invited) 41 (1993) 759-766.
46. J.D. Gillaspy, Y. Aglitskiy, E.W. Bell, C.M. Brown, C.T. Chantler, R.D. Deslattes, U. Feldman, L.T. Hudson, J.M. Laming, E.S. Meyer, C.A. Morgan, A.I. Pikin, J.R. Roberts, L.P. Ratliff, F.G. Serpa, J. Sugar, E. Takacs, "Overview of the EBIT Program at NIST," Physica Scripta, T59, 392-395 (1995).
48. C. T. Chantler, R. D. Deslattes,"Systematic Corrections in Bragg X-ray Diffraction of Flat and Curved Crystals", invited review paper in Rev.Sci.Inst. 66 (1995) 5123-5147.
80. C. T. Chantler, "Scattering factor calculations and dispersion corrections for heavy atoms," J. Physics and Chemistry of Solids 65 (2004) 1935-1941.
6. C.T. Chantler, "Beam-foil Spectroscopy of highly-ionized atoms, precision measurements of hydrogenic Lamb shifts and x-ray diffraction of curved crystals", D.Phil. Thesis, Oxford, 1990.
35. C.T. Chantler, E.N. Maslen, "Charge Transfer and Three-Centre Bonding in Monoprotonated and Diprotonated 2,2-Bipyridylium closo-Decaboron Hydride," Acta Cryst. B45 (1989), 290-297.
34. C.T. Chantler, J.D. Silver, "X-ray spectra of recoil ions from fast beam interaction with Mg and MgF2 solid targets" (NIM B31 (1988) 59-69) and
33. J.M. Laming, C.T. Chantler, J.D. Silver, D.D. Dietrich, E.C. Finch, P.H. Mokler and S.D. Rosner, "A Differential Measurement of the Ground State Lamb Shift in Hydrogenic Germanium, Ge31+," NIM B31 (1988) 21-23
38. H. F. BEYER, K. D. FINLAYSON, D. LIESEN, P. INDELICATO, C. T. CHANTLER, R. D. DESLATTES, J. SCHWEPPE, F. BOSCH, M. JUNG, O. KLEPPER, W. KONIG, R. MOSHAMMER, K. BECKERT, H. EICKHOFF, B. FRANZKE, A. GRUBER, F. NOLDEN, P. SPADTKE, M. STECK, X-ray transitions associated with electron capture into bare dysprosium, J. Phys. B26 (1993) 1557-1567. [investigations of Radiative Electron Capture to test QED]
39. C. T. CHANTLER, Developments in computation of form factors, NIST SP850, eds J. Sugar, D. Leckrone (April 1993), pp23-25.
40. C. T. CHANTLER, Improvements in computation of form factors, Radiation Physics and Chemistry (Int. Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation, Part C)(Invited) 41 (1993) 759-766.
46. J. D. GILLASPY, Y. AGLITSKIY, E. W. BELL, C. M. BROWN, C. T. CHANTLER, R. D. DESLATTES, U. FELDMAN, L. T. HUDSON, J. M. LAMING, E. S. MEYER, C. A. MORGAN, A. I. PIKIN, J. R. ROBERTS, L. P. RATLIFF, F. G. SERPA, J. SUGAR, E. TAKACS, Overview of the EBIT Program at NIST, Physica Scripta, T59, 392-395 (1995). [Nobel Symposium 1991, and first operation of the NIST EBIT]
Systematic Corrections in Bragg X-ray Diffraction of Flat and Curved Crystals, Rev.Sci.Inst. 66 (1995) 5123-5147. [invited review article, many new results
for X-ray diffraction theory]
Energy Dependences of Absorption in Beryllium Windows and Argon Gas,
Rev. Sci. Inst. 66 (1995) 1651-1654.
53. C. T. CHANTLER, Erratum: Theoretical Form Factor, Attenuation and Scattering Tabulation for Z=1-92 from E=1-10 eV to E=0.4-1.0 MeV, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 25 (1996) 527-532.
54. D. PATERSON, C.T. CHANTLER, C. TRAN, L. T. HUDSON, F. G. SERPA, R. D. DESLATTES, Absolute calibration of an x-ray spectrometer on the NIST electron-beam ion trap: control, design and systematics, Physica Scripta, T73 (1997) 400-402.
55. C. T. CHANTLER, D. PATERSON, L. T. HUDSON, F. G. SERPA, J. D. GILLASPY, R. D. DESLATTES, Progress towards absolute x-ray spectroscopy on the NIST electron-beam ion trap: current status and results, Physica Scripta, T73 (1997) 87-89.
56. J. D. Gillaspy, Y. Aglitskiy, E. W. Bell, C. M. Brown, C. T. Chantler, R. D. Deslattes, U. Feldman, L. T. Hudson, J. M. Laming, E. S. Meyer, C. A. Morgan, J. R. Roberts, F. G. Serpa, J. Sugar, E. Takacs, First Results from the EBIT at NIST, Physica Scripta, T71 (1997) 99-103
57. C. T. CHANTLER, Resolution of Discrepancies of Atomic Form Factors and Attenuation Coefficients in the Near-edge soft X-ray regime, Rad. Phys. Chem. 55 (1999) 231-237.
60. C. T. CHANTLER, D. PATERSON, L. T. HUDSON, F. G. SERPA, J. D. GILLASPY, E. TAKACS Precision X-ray spectroscopy at the NIST Electron-Beam Ion Trap: resolution of major systematic error, Physica Scripta T80 (1999) 440-442
65. C. T. CHANTLER, C. Q. TRAN, D. PATERSON, Z. BARNEA, D. J. COOKSON, Direct Observation of Scattering Contribution in X-ray Attenuation
Measurement, and evidence for Rayleigh scattering from copper samples rather than thermal-diffuse or Bragg-Laue scattering, Rad. Phys. Chem. 61 (2001) 347-350.
67. C. T. CHANTLER, New Theoretical Investigation Resolving Discrepancies of Atomic Form Factors and Attenuation Coefficients in the Near-edge Soft X-ray Regime,
Rad. Phys. Chem. 61 (2001) 343-345.
69. C. T. CHANTLER, Detailed new tabulation of atomic form factors and attenuation coefficients in the near-edge soft X-ray regime (Z=30-36, Z=60-89, E=0.1 keV 8 keV),
addressing convergence issues of earlier work, J. Synch. Rad. 8 (2001) 1124 invited Letter to the Editor.
75. C. T. CHANTLER, Atomic form factor theory and experiment in the x-ray regime: A survey of progress and future
opportunities, invited review AOS News, 17 (2) June (2003) 9-16.
80. C. T. CHANTLER, Scattering factor calculations and dispersion corrections for heavy atoms,
J. Physics and Chemistry of Solids 65 (2004) 1935-1941.
Improved techniques for measuring x-ray mass attenuation coefficients, Proc. SPIE Vol. 5538,
p. 96-106, Optical Constants of Materials for UV to X-Ray Wavelengths; Regina Soufli, John F. Seely, Eds. (2004) IP
86. C. T. CHANTLER, Critical tests of higher-order and many-body Quantum Electrodynamics
(QED) theory in medium-Z and high-Z systems, invited review AOS News 19 (2005) 10-15
Atomic cluster calculation of the X-ray near-edge absorption of copper,
Radiation Physics & Chemistry 75 (2006) 1582-1585 [Proof of concept for the Finite Difference Method for XANES in copper]
Analysis of X-ray Absorption Fine Structure
using Absolute X-ray Mass Attenuation Coefficients: Application to Molybdenum,
Radiation Physics & Chemistry 75 (2006) 1559-1563
[Methodology explaining and resolving problems with standard XAFS analyses.]
High-Precision Energy Determination of Synchrotron Radiation From Powder
Diffraction and Investigation of Profile Widths,
Radiation Physics & Chemistry 75 (2006) 2063-2066 [New technique for energy calibration.]
A Status Report on Experimental Tests of QED in Medium-Z Systems, Radiation Physics &
Chemistry 75 (2006) 1744-1748 [Current stages of success in QED testing.]
The development of a backgammon-type multi-wire proportional counter for the
detection of X-rays, Rev. Sci. Inst. 77 (2006) 08-3102-1-7. [Detector developments for high-precision research.]
98. M. D. DE JONGE, C. Q. TRAN, C. T. CHANTLER, Z. BARNEA, X-ray optics for the future: high-accuracy measurements of x-ray
mass attenuation coefficients, invited review and front cover, AOS News, 20 (2006), 30-37
Finite Difference Method Calculations of X-ray Absorption Fine Structure for Copper,
Physics Letters A, 360 (2007), 702-706 [First demonstration that Finite Difference Method theory can be applied successfully in the XAFS regime.]
101. C. T. CHANTLER, N. A. RAE, C. Q. TRAN,
Accurate determination and correction of the lattice parameter of LaB6 (standard
reference material 660) relative to that of Si (640b), J. Appl. Cryst. 40 (2007) 232-240 [New technique for powder diffraction standards.]
The Analysis of X-ray Absorption Fine Structure: Beam-line independent interpretation,
Meas. Sci. Tech. 18 (2007) 2916-2920 [How XERT resolves major anomalies in current research.]
129. C. T. Chantler, L. T. Hudson, S. P. Best, Frontiers in Radiation Physics and Applications, Guest Editorial, NIM A619 (2010) vii
130. C. T. Chantler, L. T. Hudson, S. P. Best, Guest Editors, Frontiers in Radiation Physics and Applications, NIM A619, issues 1-3 (2010)
134: Kostorz, G., et al. [I. Ascone, C.T. Chantler], International Union of Crystallography Report of the Executive Committee for 2009, Acta Cryst. A67 (2011) 96-124
137. J. D. Bourke, C. T. Chantler,
Density functional calculations of electron energy loss data and inelastic mean free paths in elemental and binary materials
Acta Cryst A67 (2011) C170
138. N. A. Rae, C. T. Chantler,
The X-ray Extended Range Technique for high accuracy XAS for comparison and improvement to theoretical modeling
Acta Cryst A67, (2011) C582
139. C. T. Chantler, M. T. Islam, S. P. Best, F. Wang,
Ferrocene and Fluorescence Studies: How can we understand stereochemistry of dilute systems?
Acta Cryst A67 (2011) C516
140. C. T. Chantler, M. T. Islam, N. A. Rae, C. Q. Tran, J. L. Glover, Z. Barnea,
New consistency tests for high-accuracy measurements of x-ray mass attenuation coefficients by the X-ray extended range technique,
Acta Cryst. A68 (2012) 188-195 [absolute method for foils]
>> Physics Today December Issue!! SK Blau, Search and Discovery, Physics Today, Dec (2012), p22;
147. J. A. Lowe, C. T. Chantler, I. P. Grant
Ab initio determination of K a line strengths and energies in transition metal atoms,
J. Phys. CS 388 (2012) 032034
148. J. D. Bourke, C. T. Chantler,
Theoretical and experimental developments in the determination of electron energy loss functions and inelastic mean free paths in elemental solids and
binary compounds,
J. Phys. CS 388 (2012) 132008
149. C. T. Chantler,
The X-ray Extended Range Technique a model for investigating X-ray and electron collision processes at a synchrotron,
J. Phys. CS 388 (2012) 022040
150. C. T. Chantler,
Testing atomic and collision physics, QED, Plasma Physics, Laboratory Astrophysics and Fundamental Constants a visible, VUV, X-ray synchrotron source allied
with an Electron Beam Ion Trap,
J. Phys. CS 388 (2012) 082033
151. J. A. Lowe, C. T. Chantler, I. P. Grant,
Erratum to: "A new approach to relativistic multi-configuration quantum mechanics in titanium"
Phys. Lett. A377 (2013) 351-352 [Phys. Lett. A 374 (2010) 4756-4760]
>> citing C. T. Chantler, J. A. Lowe, I. P. Grant, J. Phys. B 46 (2012) 015002
156. C. T. Chantler, M. N. Kinnane, J. D. Gillaspy, L. T. Hudson, A. T. Payne, L. F. Smale, A. Henins, J. M. Pomeroy, J. A. Kimpton, E. Takacs,
K. Makonyi,
Reply to Comment on Testing Three-body Quantum Electrodynamics with trapped Ti20+ ions: Evidence for a Z-dependent divergence between experiment and calculation,
Phys. Rev. Letts 110 (2013) 159302-1-2
Laboratory Highlight invited. A J Illig, C T Chantler, A T Payne, Determination of the 2p satellite profile through an improved characterization of copper K alpha, citing A J Illig, C T Chantler, A T Payne, Voigt Profile Characterisation of Copper K alpha, Journal of Physics B46 Sept (2013) 235001-1-11,
196. J W Dean. C T Chantler, L F Smale, H A Melia,
An Absolute Energy Measurement of Scandium K beta to 2 parts per million,
J Phys B53 (2020) 205004 - 1 - 10
197. C T Chantler (Australia, Chair), V Briois (France, Secretary), S Diaz-Moreno (UK, Secretary)
CXAFS / IUCr Congress / Annual Report [Acta Crystallographica A] Report of the Executive Committee for 2018,
Acta Cryst. (2020). A76, 225–262,
198. C T Chantler (Australia, Chair), V Briois (France, Secretary), S Diaz-Moreno (UK, Secretary)
CXAFS / IUCr Congress / Annual Report [Acta Crystallographica A] Report of the Executive Committee for 2019,
Acta Cryst. (2020). A76, 739–778,
201. F. Wang, N. Mohammadi, S. P. Best, D. Appadoo, C. T. Chantler,
Dominance of eclipsed ferrocene conformer in solutions revealed by the IR spectra between 400 and 500 cm-1,
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 188 (2021) 109590 - 1 - 7
Archive 1306.0633.pdf
209. C T Chantler (Australia, Chair), V Briois (France, Secretary), S Diaz-Moreno (UK, Secretary)
CXAFS / IUCr Congress / Quadrennial Report / Annual Report [Acta Crystallographica A] Report of the Executive Committee for 2020,
A T Ashcroft, Acta Cryst. (2022). A78, 65–98,
216. C T Chantler,
Part 9, Chapter 9.1, X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Definitions, pp1059-1067,
International Tables for Crystallography, Volume I: X-ray Absorption spectroscopy and Related Techniques
217. C T Chantler,
D C Creagh, Chapter 2.1 X-ray Interactions with matter, pp 21-40.
International Tables for Crystallography, Volume I: X-ray Absorption spectroscopy and Related Techniques
218. C T Chantler,
Chapter 2.8 XAFS with secondary process modalities and introduction to fluorescence and nonradiative processes, pp88-99,
International Tables for Crystallography, Volume I: X-ray Absorption spectroscopy and Related Techniques
219. C T Chantler, J D Bourke,
Chapter 2.25, Key physico-chemical parameters and significance, and tabulations, pp230-269,
International Tables for Crystallography, Volume I: X-ray Absorption spectroscopy and Related Techniques
220. C T Chantler, Part 7, Chapter 7.4,
Tables and Supplementary Material for X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy, pre-edge, XANES and XAFS, pp867-925,
International Tables for Crystallography, Volume I: X-ray Absorption spectroscopy and Related Techniques
221. S P Best, C T Chantler,
Chapter 3.14 Accurate data, mapping sample absorption and thickness effects, pp375-394,
International Tables for Crystallography, Volume I: X-ray Absorption spectroscopy and Related Techniques
222. C T Chantler
Chapter 4.7 Absolute Measurement of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy, pp624-630,
International Tables for Crystallography, Volume I: X-ray Absorption spectroscopy and Related Techniques
223. C T Chantler,
Chapter 3.39, Daisy Wheels and the Monitoring, Measurement and Correction of Harmonic Contamination and Fluorescence Background, pp539-543,
International Tables for Crystallography, Volume I: X-ray Absorption spectroscopy and Related Techniques
224. C T Chantler
Chapter 4.6, Data Acquisition and determination of precision and uncertainty, pp617-623,
International Tables for Crystallography, Volume I: X-ray Absorption spectroscopy and Related Techniques
226. C T Chantler,
Chapter 5.7, Goodness-of-fit measures, χ2r Calibrations and Limitations and hypothesis testing, pp664-671,
International Tables for Crystallography, Volume I: X-ray Absorption spectroscopy and Related Techniques
227. C T Chantler,
Chapter 3.46, Multiple sample approaches: standard downstream reference sample calibration and multiple active samples, pp572-573,
International Tables for Crystallography, Volume I: X-ray Absorption spectroscopy and Related Techniques
228. C T Chantler,
Chapter 5.6, Extraction of χ: calibrations and limitations, pp659-663,
International Tables for Crystallography, Volume I: X-ray Absorption spectroscopy and Related Techniques
229. C Q Tran, C T Chantler, C T, M D de Jonge,
Chapter 3.42, Energy Calibration for X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy, using Powder and Single Crystal Standards, pp549-557,
International Tables for Crystallography, Volume I: X-ray Absorption spectroscopy and Related Techniques
230. M D de Jonge, C T Chantler, C Q Tran,
Chapter 3.47, Projected roughness in X-ray absorption Spectroscopy, pp574-580,
International Tables for Crystallography, Volume I: X-ray Absorption spectroscopy and Related Techniques
231. C T Chantler,
Chapter 5.11, Use of Reference Standards, pp687-689,
International Tables for Crystallography, Volume I: X-ray Absorption spectroscopy and Related Techniques
232. C T Chantler, F Boscherini, B Bunker,
Preface, pp3-4,
International Tables for Crystallography, Volume I: X-ray Absorption spectroscopy and Related Techniques
233. C T Chantler, F Boscherini, B Bunker,
Chapter 1.1, Overview, pp7-9,
International Tables for Crystallography, Volume I: X-ray Absorption spectroscopy and Related Techniques
234. C T Chantler,
Chapter 3.43, X-ray Extended Range Technique, XERT, for higher accuracy measurement and higher significance of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy, pp558-563,
International Tables for Crystallography, Volume I: X-ray Absorption spectroscopy and Related Techniques
235. C T Chantler,
Chapter 3.38, Harmonic Contamination: Effect on Measurement, pp537-538,
International Tables for Crystallography, Volume I: X-ray Absorption spectroscopy and Related Techniques
236. C T Chantler, F Boscherini, B Bunker,
Chapter 1.4, Perspectives for the Future of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and related techniques, pp16-20,
International Tables for Crystallography, Volume I: X-ray Absorption spectroscopy and Related Techniques
C. T. CHANTLER, Acta Cryst. A55 Supplement (1999) 531.
Z. BARNEA, C. Q. TRAN, C. T. CHANTLER, D. PATERSON, D. X. BALAIC, D. J. COOKSON, Acta Cryst. A55 Supplement (1999) 530-531.
C. Q. TRAN, C. T. CHANTLER, D. PATERSON, The physics of x-ray production by electron bombardment: new understanding and experiments,
Proceedings of the European conference on Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry, Ed. J.E. Fernandez, A Tartari
(Editrice Compositori, Bologna 1999) 45-51
C. T. CHANTLER, The Hanbury Brown - Twiss Interferometer: A 46-year perspective, pp 198- 201,
Proceedings of the Australian Institute of Physics, 15th Biennial Congress, D. Neilson, ed. (8-11 July 2002, Sydney, ISBN 0-9598064-X,
2002, Australian Institute of Physics)
Detector and Spectrometer Development for QED Measurements Using an EBIT,
pp313-316, Proceedings of the Australian Institute of Physics, 15th Biennial Congress,
D. Neilson, ed. (8-11 July 2002, Sydney, ISBN 0-9598064-X, 2002, Australian Institute of Physics)
Upgrades to X-Ray Data Collection System - Leading to Absolute Measurements of Mass Attenuation Coefficients and Sub-Micron
Thickness Variation Detection at a Local Source, pp 317-319, Proceedings of the Australian Institute of Physics,
15th Biennial Congress, D. Neilson, ed. (8-11 July 2002, Sydney, ISBN 0-9598064-X, 2002, Australian Institute of Physics)
C. Q. TRAN, M. D. DE JONGE, Z. BARNEA, C. T. CHANTLER , X-Ray - Atom Interaction Cross-Sections: How Well Do We Know Them?,
Proc. 9th Asia-Pacific Physics Conference Oct (2004)
The X-ray Extended Range Technique for high accuracy atomic structure in simple systems, AIP 16th National Congress Proc. (CD Rom) (2005) 91:1-3
C. T. CHANTLER, Databases for absorption, XAFS and XANES, and future opportunities for research and investigation,
Acta Cryst. A64 (2008) C626
R1 B.Sc. Honours Thesis "Electron density studies", UWA, Perth,
Western Australia (1984) R2 J.D. Silver, C.T. Chantler, "Final Report on Improved Crystal Bending
Techniques Applied to the LLNL Dual-Arm Johann mounting X-ray Spectrometer"
Re: LLNL # P.O. 2142003 (22/12/87). R3. C. T. Chantler, "Highlights from AOS 10, 5-7 July, 1995",
AOS News 9, Issue 3 (1995) 26 R4. G. Smith, C. Chantler, "Australian Optical Companies,"
AOS News 9, Issue 4 (1995), 37-48. R5. C.T. Chantler, P.M. Farrell, eds, "AOS99 Book of Abstracts,"
(AOS, July 1999, ISBN 0-7340-1737-5) R6: C. T. CHANTLER, Australian & New Zealand Physicist 35, 3 (1998) 131-132 (ISSN 1036-3831)
R7. C. T. Chantler, "Highlights from AOS99,",
AOS News 13, issue 2 (1999) 7-8. R8. C.T. Chantler, Highlights from AIP Congress 2000, AOS News 15, issue 1 (2001) 14-15. R9. C. T. Chantler, Atomic Form Factor Tables, Rare Earth Information Center News, 36 (2001) 1 R10. C. T. Chantler, AIP Congress Evaluation: Report from parallel sessions: AOS/AIP/ACOFT2002,
The Physicist 39 (2002) 145-146 R11: C. T. CHANTLER, The Physicist 40, 2 (Cambridge Scientific Minds, 2003) 52-53
R12: C. T. CHANTLER, other regular reviews in The Physicist e.g. 41 (4) July (Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems, 2004) 132
R13: C. T. CHANTLER, M. D. DE JONGE, C. Q. TRAN, Z. BARNEA, High-accuracy measurements of x-ray mass attenuation coefficients, IRPS Bulletin 21 (2007) 9-19.
R14: C. T. CHANTLER, Australian Physics 43 (2006, ISSN 1036-3831) 99-100
R15: C. T. CHANTLER, IRPS Bulletin, Report on ISRP 10 student session, 20 (Dec. 2006) 9
R16: C. T. CHANTLER, Australian Physics 45 (2008, ISSN 1036-3831) 66
R17: C. T .CHANTLER, IRPS Bulletin, Members memories of John Hubbell, 21 (2007) p11
R18: C. T .CHANTLER, IRPS Bulletin, Vice-President Report, (2008)
R19: C. T. CHANTLER, IRPS Bulletin, Programme of International Forum on Future Directions in Atomic and Condensed Matter Research and Applications,
22 (Oct. 2008) pp8-20
R20: C. T .CHANTLER, IRPS Bulletin, Profile of Member, 22 (Dec 2008) p8
R21: C. T. CHANTLER, IRPS Bulletin, Report on International Forum on Future Directions in Atomic and Condensed Matter Research and Applications,
23 (April 2009) pp15-16
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