23 Aug-23
12:00 p.m.
Evgeni Grishin Monash University
Stellar Death and Black-Hole Mergers in galactic nuclei
16 Aug-23
12:00 p.m.
Rachel Harrison Monash University
Polarimetry as a Probe of Protoplanetary Disk Properties
09 Aug-23
12:00 p.m.
Benjamin Roberts University of Queensland
Variation of fundamental constants: Search for new physics around a supermassive black hole
26 Jul-23
12:00 p.m.
Leonardo Giani University of Queensland
Doctor suggests a new diet for Non-local gravity
19 Jul-23
12:00 p.m.
Brad Tucker ANU
Shocking Supernova - Discovering their Progenitors
28 Jun-23
12:00 p.m.
Anais Moller Swinburne University
Time-domain science in the Rubin era
21 Jun-23
12:00 p.m.
Paul Cally Monash University
MHD in Weakly Ionized Plasmas: Does it work, and why?
07 Jun-23
12:00 p.m.
Brett Addison Swinburne University
Exoplanet Discovery and Characterisation in the era of TESS and JWST
31 May-23
12:00 p.m.
Rossana Ruggeri University of Queensland
On the Road to Dark Energy with the Largest 3D map of the Universe.
24 May-23
12:00 p.m.
Shreejit Jadhav Swinburne University
Towards a robust and reliable deep learning approach for detection of compact binary mergers in gravitational wave data
17 May-23
12:00 p.m.
Jin-Ping Zhu Monash University
Multi-messenger signals from compact object coalescences and AGN disk transients
12 May-23
13:00 p.m.
Orsola De Marco AAL
AAL member update to University of Melbourne
10 May-23
12:00 p.m.
Benjamin Pope University of Queensland
Modelling Cosmic Radiation Events in the Tree-ring Radiocarbon Record
03 May-23
16:00 p.m.
Matteo Romano University of Namur
Using networks to study the state of the space resident population
26 Apr-23
12:00 p.m.
Sayantan Bhattacharya University Of Massachusetts, Lowell
Blue Supergiant X-ray Binaries in The Starburst Galaxy IC 10
19 Apr-23
12:00 p.m.
Tom Kimpson University of Melbourne
Pulsars as probes of strong-field GR
05 Apr-23
12:00 p.m.
Sergei Kopeikin University of Missouri
Gravitational Signal Propagation and Aberration Effects in the Double Pulsar and the Solar System
29 Mar-23
12:00 p.m.
Laura Keating University of Edinburgh
Timing reionization with quasar absorption lines
22 Mar-23
12:00 p.m.
Nathan Parrott Saber Astronautics
Industry talk
15 Mar-23
12:00 p.m.
Andrew Cameron Swinburne University
Exploring tests of gravity with the relativistic double neutron star PSR J1757-1854
01 Mar-23
12:00 p.m.
Jonah Gannon Swinburne University
Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies (UDGs) and the Stellar Mass – Halo Mass Relationship
22 Feb-23
12:00 p.m.
Reinhold Willcox Monash University
Binary star channels of stripped-envelope supernovae
15 Feb-23
12:00 p.m.
Changrong Liu University of Melbourne
Optimal Detection and Estimation for a Sinusoidal Signal with Randomly Time Varying Phase and Frequency
08 Feb-23
12:00 p.m.
Dr Henry Zovaro ANU
Resolving ionised winds and thick disks in the SAMI Galaxy Survey
30 Nov-22
12:00 p.m.
Associate Prof. Kim-Vy Tran University of New South Wales
Galaxy Evolution with ASTRO 3D
16 Nov-22
12:00 p.m.
Ryosuke Hirai Monash University
Violent stellar interactions
09 Nov-22
12:00 p.m.
J.D. Merritt University of Oregon
Transient glitch mitigation in Advanced LIGO data with glitschen
02 Nov-22
12:00 p.m.
Prof Virginia Kilborn Swinburne
Next Generation HI surveys
26 Oct-22
12:00 p.m.
Dr. Evgeni Grishin Monash
Dynamical origins of wide binary collisions: from the Solar system to galaxy mergers
19 Oct-22
12:00 p.m.
Dr Tania Barone Swinburne
The link between a galaxy’s structure and its stellar populations.
12 Oct-22
12:00 p.m.
Dr Kelly Gourdji Swinburne
Probing the radio counterparts of neutron star mergers with LOFAR
05 Oct-22
12:00 p.m.
Pedro Barboza Rossetto University of Otago
Magnetically Confined Mountains on Neutron Stars
28 Sep-22
12:00 p.m.
Manami Roy Raman Research Institute
Unfolding the mystery of cosmic ray content in the CGM along with the different interactions of the CGM with its surroundings
21 Sep-22
12:00 p.m.
Stephanie Monty ANU
Globular cluster dynamics across scales: from crowded cluster centres to the building blocks of the Milky Way
07 Sep-22
12:00 p.m.
Dr Aditi Vijayan ANU
Understanding X-Ray Signatures of Outflows Through 3-D Simulations
31 Aug-22
12:00 p.m.
Dr Giulia Santucci ICRAR/UWA
Orbital structures of SAMI passive galaxies from orbit-superposition Schwarzschild models.
17 Aug-22
12:00 p.m.
A Prof Yuan-Sen Ting ANU
On Modelling Complex Systems in Astronomy
10 Aug-22
12:00 p.m.
Dr Anita Petzler CSIRO
Hydroxyl as a Probe of the Interstellar Medium
03 Aug-22
12:00 p.m.
A Prof Deanne B. Fisher Swinburne University
How do galaxies regulate their own star formation?
27 Jul-22
12:00 p.m.
Professor Jeff Cooke Swinburne University
Leaks and bursts
20 Jul-22
12:00 p.m.
Dr Sven Buder ANU
GALAHs excavating the formation of the Milky Way with starlight
13 Jul-22
12:00 p.m.
Dr Manisha Caleb The University of Sydney
Exploring the fast transient landscape with MeerKAT
06 Jul-22
12:00 p.m.
Professor Chris Matzner University of Toronto
Supernova outbursts, crashes, and flashes, and a small satellite concept
29 Jun-22
12:00 p.m.
15 Jun-22
12:00 p.m.
A Prof. Julia Bryant The University of Sydney
Hector: New integral field spectroscopy of galaxies enabled on the AAT.
08 Jun-22
12:00 p.m.
Dr Stefania Barsanti ANU
Bulge formation correlates with spin-filament alignment flips
03 Jun-22
10:00 a.m.
Prof. Jean-Pierre Barriot The University of French Polynesia
CASSINI, BEPI-COLOMOBO AND LISA: A series of space missions to test general relativity and probe gravitational waves
01 Jun-22
12:00 p.m.
CANCELLED ASTRO-3D Science Meeting week
25 May-22
12:00 p.m.
Dr Susan Wei UniMelbourne
Variational Inference for Bayesian Neural Networks via Resolution of Singularities
18 May-22
12:00 p.m.
Associate Prof. Ivo Labbe Swinburne University
James Webb Space Telescope observations of the first galaxies
11 May-22
12:00 p.m.
Professor Duncan A. Forbes Swinburne University
Ultra Diffuse Galaxies: Galaxies at the Extreme
04 May-22
12:00 p.m.
Prof Alan Duffy Swinburne University
Dark Matters at Swinburne
27 Apr-22
12:00 p.m.
Prof. Darren Croton Swinburne University
How to model the Universe in N easy steps (N>>1)
20 Apr-22
12:00 p.m.
Professor Matthew Bailes Swinburne University
The Fast Radio Burst Enigma
13 Apr-22
12:00 p.m.
CANCELLED ASTRO-3D 50:50 Celebration Day
06 Apr-22
12:00 p.m.
Dr Yisheng Qiu Zhejiang University
Starduster: A multi-wavelength SED model based on radiative transfer simulations and deep learning
30 Mar-22
12:00 p.m.
Dr Ben Wibking ANU
Cosmological parameters from galaxy clustering and weak lensing on ~Megaparsec scales
23 Mar-22
12:00 p.m.
A Prof Paul Lasky Monash University
Adventures in Gravitational-wave Astronomy: testing for hair, memory, and eccentricity.
16 Mar-22
12:00 p.m.
Associate Professor Michelle Cluver Swinburne University
The Case for the Nearby Universe in High Definition
09 Mar-22
16:00 p.m.
Unnikrishnan Sureshkumar Jagiellonian University
Connection between galaxy properties and environment in the cosmic structure
02 Mar-22
2:00 p.m.
Assistant Prof Yuichi Harikane Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, the University of Tokyo
Observing Cosmic Evolution of Galaxies at z~2-13 with Subaru and JWST
23 Feb-22
12:00 p.m.
Dr Stevanus K. Nugroho Astrobiology Center, National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS), Japan
Peeking the Atmosphere of Ultra-hot Jupiters through High-resolution Spectroscopy
16 Feb-22
12:00 p.m.
Associate Prof. Christoph Federrath ANU
From Interstellar Turbulence to Star Formation
09 Feb-22
12:00 p.m.
02 Feb-22
12:00 p.m.
Dr Anitha Ravishankar University of Calgary
Kinematics of coronal mass ejections and Auroral Science
24 Nov-21
12:00 p.m.
Prof Will Percival University of Waterloo
Matching Bayesian and frequentist coverage probabilities when using an approximate data covariance matrix (arXiv:2108.10402)
17 Nov-21
12:00 p.m.
Brenna Mockler University of California, Santa Cruz
Exploring galactic nuclei with tidal disruption events
10 Nov-21
12:00 p.m.
Dr Sree Oh ANU
Kinematics of galaxy bulges, disks, and gas from SAMI 3D spectroscopy
03 Nov-21
12:00 p.m.
Associate Professor Stas Shabala University of Tasmania
Feedback and synchrotron emission from AGN jets
27 Oct-21
12:00 p.m.
Dr Amit Seta ANU
Magnetic fields in the Milky Way from pulsar observations
20 Oct-21
12:00 p.m.
Kaley Brauer MIT
Studying the Tiniest, Oldest Galaxies in the Milky Way's Assembly History through Chemical Tagging and Kinematics
13 Oct-21
12:00 p.m.
Ryan Turner Swinburne University
Improving estimates of the growth rate of structure with galaxy-velocity cross correlations
29 Sep-21
04:00 p.m.
Dr Charlotte Angus University of Copenhagen
Exploring exotic transients in modern surveys
22 Sep-21
04:00 p.m.
Sophie Lund Schrøder University of Copenhagen
Open questions in formation of compact binary star systems
08 Sep-21
10:00 a.m.
Grace Olivier Ohio State University
Evolution of Stellar Feedback from Reionization to The Milky Way: A Diverse Toolset of Imaging, Spectroscopy, and Modelling for Understanding the Impact of Massive Stars
01 Sep-21
12:00 p.m.
CANCELLED ASTRO-3D Science Meeting week
25 Aug-21
10:00 a.m.
Kshitij Aggarwal West Virginia University
Search, analysis and localization of FRBs
18 Aug-21
12:00 p.m.
Dr Hyunbae Park Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe
Lya Transmission in the Reionizing Intergalactic Medium
11 Aug-21
12:00 p.m.
Dr Janakee Raste Tata Institue of Fundamental Research
Implications of the z ~ 5 Lyman-α forest for oberserving the EoR 21-cm power spectrum
04 Aug-21
12:00 p.m.
Dr Rebecca Davies Swinburne University
The Impact of Outflows on Galaxies and Halos over Cosmic Time
28 Jul-21
12:00 p.m.
Dr Manodeep Sinha Swinburne University
Towards Sustainable Research Software & Inclusive Communities
21 Jul-21
12:00 p.m.
Dr Anshu Gupta Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy
MOSEL Survey: Unveiling Epoch of Reionisation through analogs at z~3
14 Jul-21
12:00 p.m.
07 Jul-21
12:00 p.m.
Dr Rory Smith Monash University
Observation of gravitational waves from two neutron star-black hole coalescences
30 Jun-21
12:00 p.m.
Adam Batten Swinburne University
Probing the Intergalactic Medium with Fast Radio Bursts and Hydrodynamic Simulations
23 Jun-21
04:00 p.m.
Laura Sommovigo Scuola Normale Superiore
Feverish dust at the Epoch of Reionization? Taking the temperature and studying the implications
16 Jun-21
12:00 p.m.
AProf Randall Wayth Curtin University
A High-Speed All-Sky Monitor for Fast Radio Bursts and Technosignatures
09 Jun-21
12:00 p.m.
Dr James Murray and Romy Pearse Astronomy Australia Ltd
AAL Member Update to The University of Melbourne
02 Jun-21
12:00 p.m.
Dr Xingjiang Zhu Beijing Normal University
Gravitational wave astronomy on the short and long timescales
26 May-21
12:00 p.m.
Dr Rob Bassett Swinburne University
3D Galaxy Shape Prediction with Artificial Neural Networks
19 May-21
11:00 a.m.
A Prof Duane Hamacher University of Melbourne
Dating Tasmanian Aboriginal astronomical traditions to 12,000 years ago
12 May-21
12:00 p.m.
James Esdaile Swinburne University
Massive quiescent galaxies in the early universe: understanding their prevalence and physical properties
05 May-21
12:00 p.m.
Dr Steven Murray Arizona State University
Building Confidence in Next-Generation 21cm Cosmology: A Forward-Model Approach
28 Apr-21
12 p.m.
Dr Nikole M. Nielsen Swinburne University
The Circumgalactic Medium at Cosmic Noon with KCWI
21 Apr-21
12:00 p.m.
Dr Jielai Zhang Swinburne University
Simultaneous Multi-Wavelength Observations (Gamma, X-ray, UV, Optical, and Radio) of Two FRBs
24 Mar-21
12:00 p.m.
Dr Nicha Leethochawalit University of Melbourne
A quantitative assessment of completeness correction methods in UV Luminosity function calculations
17 Mar-21
12:00 p.m.
Prof. David Jamieson University of Melbourne
Galileo's astronomical observations: when pushing back the frontiers was risky business
08 Dec-20
12:00 p.m.
Mahsa Rahimi University of Melbourne (Completion Seminar)
Measuring EoR Signal with MWA
02 Dec-20
12:00 p.m.
Dr Sam Vaughan The University of Sydney
A toy model of galaxy evolution inspired by stellar metallicity measurements from the SAMI survey
25 Nov-20
12:00 p.m.
Dr Neil Goeckner-Wald KIPAC
CMB Cosmology with BICEP/Keck and SPT-3G
18 Nov-20
12:00 p.m.
Prof. Chris Tinney UNSW
Veloce - and what it takes to open new discovery phase space for exoplanets, without spending a bomb.
11 Nov-20
12:00 p.m.
Dr Jordan Mirocha McGill University
The evolution (or not) of the star formation efficiency, dust content, and duty cycle of high-z galaxies
04 Nov-20
12:00 p.m.
Alex Cameron University of Melbourne (Completion Seminar)
Probing the chemical evolution of galaxies with emission line spectroscopy
21 Oct-20
12:00 p.m.
Poojan Agrawal Swinburne University
Can uncertainties in the evolution of the massive stars explain EM and GW observations?
14 Oct-20
12:00 p.m.
Dorota Bayer Swinburne University
Probing the nature of dark matter with galaxy-galaxy strong gravitational lensing
30 Sep-20
12:00 p.m.
Dr Lilian Garratt-Smithson University of Western Australia
Real or not real? What cosmological simulations can (and cannot) tell us about the cold phase of the CGM
23 Sep-20
12:00 p.m.
Dr Greg Poole Swinburne University (ADACS)
ADACS Merit Allocation Program - Overview and Q&A
16 Sep-20
12:00 p.m.
Pol Gurri Perez Swinburne University
Precision weak lensing and the dispersion in the stellar-to-halo mass relation.
09 Sep-20
12:00 p.m.
Dr Rob Bassett Swinburne University
IGM Attenuation Bias for Lyman Continuum Detected Galaxies at z > 3.0
26 Aug-20
12:00 p.m.
Dr Colin Jacobs Swinburne University
Probing neural networks for science: What is it they are learning?
22 Jul-20
12:00 p.m.
Melanie Hampel Monash University
Heavy Puzzle Pieces: Nucleosynthesis Models of the Intermediate Neutron-capture Process
17 Jun-20
12:00 p.m.
Nikhil Sarin Monash University
Observational consequences of binary neutron star merger remnants
06 May-20
12:00 p.m.
Prof. Chris Blake Swinburne University
Cosmological tests using galaxy-galaxy lensing and clustering amplitudes in KiDS-1000
22 Apr-20
(postponed due to Covid-19 lockdown)
Dr Benedikt Diemer University of Maryland
18 Mar-20
(postponed due to Covid-19 social distancing measures)
Dr Katie Auchettl University of Melbourne
The imprint of their explosions: Using supernova remnants to understand stellar death
11 Mar-20
2:15 p.m.
Dr Matús Rybák Universiteit Leiden
Full of Orions? dissecting extreme, dusty starbursts on (k)pc-scales
04 Mar-20
12:00 p.m.
Dr Camila Correa Universiteit Leiden
Morphological transformations in the local Universe: an observational and theoretical perspective
26 Feb-20
12:00 p.m.
Coen Neijssel University of Birmingham
Population synthesis of massive stellar binaries and predictions for the formation of (binary) black holes
19 Feb-20
12:00 p.m.
Prof. Sukyoung Yi Yonsei University
The origin and fate of the discs of spiral galaxies from numerical simulations
05 Feb-20
12:00 p.m.
Dr Chiaki Kobayashi University of Hertfordshire
Metal flows in simulated galaxies
29 Jan-20
12:00 p.m.
Dr Jason Rhodes NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Dark Energy and Exoplanets
18 Dec-19
14:15 p.m.
George Howitt University of Melbourne (Completion Seminar)
Pulsar glitches and superfluid vortex dynamics
04 Dec-19
14:15 p.m.
Prof. Andrew Bunker University of Oxford
Exploring the high redshift Universe with the James Webb Space Telescope
27 Nov-19
14:15 p.m.
Dr Serena Vinciguerra Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
Be X-ray binaries in the Small Magellanic Cloud: a hint on the accretion efficiency during mass transfer?
20 Nov-19
14:15 p.m.
Dan Pryer University of Sussex
Modelling the power spectrum on the light cone & preparing for the 4MOST redshift survey
06 Nov-19
14:15 p.m.
Dr Jesse van de Sande Sydney Institute for Astronomy, The University of Sydney
The build-up of mass and angular momentum in galaxies across morphology and environment with SAMI
30 Oct-19
14:15 p.m.
Prof. Mark Krumholz ANU
Star formation, feedback, turbulence, and transport: towards a unified model for the dynamics of disc galaxies
23 Oct-19
14:15 p.m.
Dr Marianne Girard Swinburne University
Kinematics of star-forming galaxies at cosmic noon
16 Oct-19
14:15 p.m.
- -
Mid-term review discussion
09 Oct-19
14:15 p.m.
Mike Wilensky University of Washington
Characterizing and Mitigating Radio Frequency Interference in Reionization Cosmology
02 Oct-19
14:15 p.m.
Associate Prof. Ivo Labbe Swinburne University
The Rise and Fall of the First Galaxies
28 Aug-19
14:15 p.m.
Dr Belinda Nicholson University of Southern Queensland
Magnetic activity of Weak-line T Tauri stars, and hunting for planets in terrible (and not-so-terrible) places
21 Aug-19
12:00 p.m.
Prof. John Lattanzio Monash University
Apollo 11 After 50 Years
14 Aug-19
14:15 p.m.
Alejandro Vigna Gomez University of Birmingham / Monash University
Double Neutron Star Formation: A Population Synthesis Approach
07 Aug-19
14:15 p.m.
Dr Anne Hutter University of Groningen
Shedding light on the Epoch of Reionization with the 21cm signal
01 Aug-19
12:00 p.m.
Adélie Gorce Imperial College London / Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale
Cosmic reionisation and the first stars
24 Jul-19
14:15 p.m.
Dr Charlotte Mason Center for Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian, USA
What can Lyα emission from galaxies tell us about reionization?
22 Jul-19
14:15 p.m.
Akanksha Kapahtia Indian Institute of Astrophysics
Morphology of cosmological fields during the epoch of Reionization
04 Jul-19
12:00 p.m.
Luke Pratley Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London
Interferometric Imaging with PURIFY: Real Observations + Wide-field Corrections
03 Jul-19
14:15 p.m.
Dr Catherine Watkinson Imperial College London
Exploiting non-Gaussian information to better understand the first stars and galaxies
26 Jun-19
14:15 p.m.
Tom Binnie Imperial College London
Bayesian Model Selection with Future 21cm Observations of The Epoch of Reionisation
12 Jun-19
14:15 p.m.
Dr Daniel Reardon Swinburne University
Precision timing and scintillation of binary radio pulsars
05 Jun-19
14:15 p.m.
Dr Yuxiang Qin Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
To Illuminate the Dark Ages
31 May-19
11:00 a.m.
Dr Leanne Guy Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
29 May-19
14:15 p.m.
Dr Nick Seymour Curtin University
The Evolution of Super-massive Black Holes from Broadband Radio Surveys
22 May-19
14:15 p.m.
Dr Xingjiang Zhu Monash University
Pulsars, gravitational waves and fuzzy dark matter
15 May-19
14:15 p.m.
Associate Prof. Kim-Vy Tran UNSW
ZFOURGE & MOSEL : Emergent Galaxies at z~3.5
13 May-19
14:15 p.m.
Dr Koki Kakiichi University College London
What reionized the Universe?
08 May-19
14:15 p.m.
Dr Emma Kerr RMIT
Space situational awareness and general perturbations methods for orbit propagation
03 May-19
15:15 p.m.
Prof. Romeel Dave University of Edinburgh
The Simba Simulation
01 May-19
14:15 p.m.
Dr Paul Lasky Monash University
The future of gravitational-wave astronomy
17 Apr-19
14:15 p.m.
Dr Rossana Ruggeri Swinburne University
Using galaxy surveys to understand the cosmological evolution.
01 Apr-19
14:15 p.m.
Dr Sarah Sweet Swinburne University
Spatially-resolved galaxy angular momentum encodes galaxy evolution
27 Mar-19
14:15 p.m.
Dr Amelia Fraser-McKelvie University of Nottingham
The complicated lives of disk galaxies: lessons from IFS
25 Mar-19
14.15 p.m.
Dr Benedetta Vulcani INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
The many faces of galaxies in transition in the local universe
18 Mar-19
14:15 p.m.
Prof. Ian Jones University of Southampton
The early life of millisecond magnetars
06 Mar-19
12 p.m.
Dr Matthew Baring Rice University
Magnetar Magnetospheres under the Microscope
28 Feb-19
12 p.m.
Dr Natasha Hurley-Walker ICRAR, Curtin University
Detecting new supernova remnants with GLEAM
27 Feb-19
12 p.m.
Prof. Ilya Mandel Monash University
The promise of gravitational-wave astrophysics
25 Feb-19
14:15 p.m.
Dr Gemma Anderson ICRAR, Curtin University
Studying the explosive Universe and gravitational waves through the automation of Australian radio telescopes
14 Feb-19
12 p.m.
Dr Christopher Berry Northwestern
Gravitational-wave observations of binary black holes-future discoveries and the physics of binary evolution
13 Feb-19
12 p.m.
Assistant Prof. Sebastiano Cantalupo ETH Zurich
Illuminating the Cosmic Web with Fluorescent Ly-alpha emission
11 Feb-19
14.15 p.m.
Prof. Tom Quinn University of Washington
What is the Dark Matter: the importance of Baryons
06 Feb-19
12 p.m.
Melanie Kaasinen Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
Weighing the Molecular Gas Reservoirs of High Redshift Galaxies
30 Jan-19
12 p.m.
Dr Matthieu Schaller Leiden Observatory
Baryonic effects on next-generation cosmological probes - How will we get the accuracy required?
12 Dec-18
12 p.m.
Dr George Angelou Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics
Applications of Machine Learning in Stellar Astrophysics
05 Dec-18
11.30 a.m.
Dr Christoph Federrath ANU
The role of turbulence, magnetic fields and feedback for star formation
28 Nov-18
12 p.m.
Dr Vanessa Graber McGill Space Institute, McGill University
Neutron Stars as Cosmic Laboratories
19 Nov-18
14:15 p.m.
Prof. Tim de Zeeuw Leiden University
Integral-field spectroscopy of galaxies
14 Nov-18
12 p.m.
Dr Pat Meyers University of Melbourne
Newtonian noise studies for future generation gravitational-wave detectors
12 Nov-18
11:30 a.m.
Jacob Svensmark Niels Bohr Institite
Cosmoclimatology - How cosmic rays connect to clouds and climate
08 Nov-18
15:30 p.m.
Dr Gioia Rau NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
How to tackle a giant Star: multi-wavelength studies of cool, evolved stars using HST and VLTI
07 Nov-18
14 p.m.
Dr Marisa Geyer Square Kilometer Array, South Africa
MeerKAT inaugurated
02 Nov-18
12 p.m.
Ruby Byrne University of Washington
Fundamental Limitations on the Calibration of Redundant 21-cm Cosmology Instruments
31 Oct-18
12 p.m.
Dr Julie Currie RMIT
Space Weather: How space affects our day-to-day life
24 Oct-18
12 p.m.
Dr Trevor Mendel ANU
The stellar kinematics and star-formation histories of high-redshift galaxies
17 Oct-18
12 p.m.
Dr Valentin Christiaens Monash University
Observing the birth of planets
10 Oct-18
12 p.m.
Alex Saffer Montana State University
The Exterior Spacetime of Relativistic Stars in Quadratic Gravity
03 Oct-18
12 p.m.
Dr Greg Ashton Monash University
Astrophysical inference and transient gravitational wave astronomy
26 Sep-18
12 p.m.
Dr Kendall Ackley Monash University
The Era of Gravitational Wave Astronomy: GOTO and the challenge of transients
19 Sep-18
12 p.m.
Dr Benjamin Davis Swinburne University
Black Hole Mass Scaling Relations for Spiral Galaxies
12 Sep-18
12 p.m.
Dr Emily Wisnioski ANU
Tracing high-z galaxy kinematics from turbulent disks to quenched spheroids
07 Sep-18
11 a.m.
Dr Anthony Van Eysden Montana State University
Are neutron stars turbulent?
29 Aug-18
12 p.m.
Sarah Hegarty Swinburne University
Designing for Discovery in Astronomy's Data-Intensive Era
22 Aug-18
12 p.m.
Marshall Styczinski University of Washington
Constraining asymmetry in Europa's oceans
16 Aug-18
14 p.m.
Dr Lucy Forman Curtin University
Exploring the effects of crystallographic orientation on shock features in Martian meteorites: how does the orientation of a crystal affect how it bends or breaks?
08 Aug-18
12 p.m.
Associate Prof Rob Wittenmyer University of Southern Queensland
New frontiers in exoplanetary and stellar astrophysics with Australian observational facilities
01 Aug-18
12 p.m.
Lisa Drummond University of Melbourne
Pulsar glitches and vortex tangles: a neutron star super-mixture
25 Jul-18
12 p.m.
Dr Matthew Pitkin University of Glasgow
Pulsars as gravitational wave sources
18 Jul-18
12 p.m.
Dr Tyrone Woods Monash University
Titans of the Early Universe: The origin of the most massive, high-redshift quasars
11 Jul-18
12 p.m.
Shintaro Yoshiura Kumamoto University
Detectability of 21cm signal during the Epoch of Reionization with 21cm-LAE cross correlation
02 Jul-18
12 p.m.
Dr Sarah White Curtin University
The most powerful radio-sources in the southern hemisphere
13 Jun-18
12 p.m.
Dr Grant Meadors Monash University
Precession measurability in black hole binary coalescences
06 Jun-18
12 p.m.
Dr Nichole Barry University of Melbourne
Enhancing EoR limits - spectral accuracy of the MWA
23 May-18
12 p.m.
Dr Andy Casey Monash University
The lithium-rich giant star puzzle
17 May-18
12 p.m.
Dr Michelle Cluver Swinburne University
Closing in on the HIdden universe
09 May-18
12 p.m.
Dr Maria Kapala University of Cape Town
[CII] as a SFR tracer in M31 and M51: A ~constant photoelectric heating efficiency links [CII] 158 um with young stars
02 May-18
12 p.m.
Dr Andra Stroe European Southern Observatory, Garching
When Galaxy Clusters Collide: Shocking tales of structure formation
26 Apr-18
12 p.m.
Br. Guy Consolmagno Vatican Observatory
Vesta and the Chaotic Formation of Planets
18 Apr-18
12 p.m.
Dr Dimitri Veras University of Warwick
The growing field of post-main-sequence exoplanetary science
11 Apr-18
12 p.m.
Dr Vid Irsic University of Washington
Small scale structure of the IGM: A Dark Matter Tale
29 Mar-18
2.30 p.m.
Dr Jennifer Wiseman NASA Goddard
The Hubble Space Telescope: 28 Years of Cosmic Discovery
28 Mar-18
12 p.m.
Dr Jade Powell Swinburne University
Parameter Estimation and Model Selection of Gravitational Wave Signals Contaminated by Transient Detector Noise Glitches
21 Mar-18
12 p.m.
Ben Forrest Texas A&M University
Using Composite Spectral Energy Distributions to Characterize Galaxy Populations at 1<z<4
15 Mar-18
12 p.m.
Dr Pascal Elahi The University of Western Australia
Simulating GENESIS: The ASTRO 3D Theory programme
14 Mar-18
12 p.m.
Dr Ryan Shannon Swinburne University
The fast radio bursts population as observed by the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
07 Mar-18
12 p.m.
Dr Stefan Oslowski Swinburne University
Pulsar timing arrays
28 Feb-18
12 p.m.
Dr Yvonne Wong University of New South Wales
Neutrino cosmology
21 Feb-18
12 p.m.
Dr Christopher Usher Liverpool John Moores University
Using Globular Cluster Stellar Populations to Understand Galaxy Formation
14 Feb-18
12 p.m.
Dr Themiya Nanayakkara Leiden Observatory
Hunting for the first stars I: Attempts to demystify He II with MUSE
07 Feb-18
3 p.m.
Kathryn Grasha University of Massachusetts
Hierarchical Star Formation Across Space and Time with Star Clusters from LEGUS
23 Jan-18
12 p.m.
Prof. Mark Walker Manly Astrophysics
Stars and scintillations
12 Dec-17
1 p.m.
Lilli Sun University of Melbourne
Search for continuous gravitational waves from spinning neutron stars
11 Dec-17
2.15 p.m.
Liju Philip University of KwaZulu-Natal
Searching for cosmic dawn from the sub-Antarctic
22 Nov-17
12 p.m.
Dr Bradley Greig University of Melbourne
Interpreting the astrophysics of reionisation within a Bayesian framework using 21CMMC
14 Nov-17
3 p.m.
Dr Daniel Gruen SLAC / KIPAC / Stanford University
Weak Lensing in the Dark Energy Survey
08 Nov-17
12 p.m.
Dr Rachael Livermore University of Melbourne
Harnessing the Power of Gravitational Lensing
01 Nov-17
12 p.m.
Dr Simon Stevenson Swinburne University
Insights into binary black hole formation from gravitational waves
25 Oct-17
12 p.m.
Dr Thomas Collett Institute of Cosmology & Gravitation (ICG), Univ. of Portsmouth
Probing Fundamental Physics with Strong Gravitational Lensing
11 Oct-17
12 p.m.
Prof. Jeremy Mould Swinburne University
How standard is the standard candle?
04 Oct-17
12 p.m.
Luz Ángela Garcia Swinburne University
HI and metal absorption lines during the Epoch of Reionization
27 Sep-17
12 p.m.
Prof. Csaba Balazs Monash University
Stochastic gravitational waves in the reach of aLIGO?
20 Sep-17
12 p.m.
Prof. Darren Croton Swinburne University
The many lives of AGN II: the formation and evolution of radio jets and their impact on galaxy evolution
13 Sep-17
12 p.m.
Dr Helen Brand Australian Synchrotron
Shining a light on planetary processes
06 Sep-17
12.30 p.m.
Dr Duane Hamacher Monash Indigenous Studies Centre
The Science and Astronomy of Indigenous Australians
06 Sep-17
12 p.m.
Dr Javier Mejuto Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras
Ancient and living Mesoamerican Skies
30 Aug-17
12 p.m.
Dr Eric Thrane Monash University
After GW150914: gravitational-wave astronomy in the era of routine detection
09 Aug-17
12 p.m.
Dr Stuart Sim Queen's University Belfast, UK
Modelling thermonuclear supernovae: how to blow up a white dwarf star
02 Aug-17
12 p.m.
Prof. Garth Illingworth University of California Santa Cruz
Galaxies at Cosmic Dawn: Exploring the First Billion Years with Hubble and Spitzer - Implications for JWST
26 Jul-17
10 a.m.
Dr Arna Karick Freelance Astronomy & Scientific Computing Consultant
Building a community of tech savvy astronomers
21 Jul-17
12 p.m.
Dr Brice Ménard Johns Hopkins University
De-projecting astronomical surveys
19 Jul-17
12 p.m.
Prof. Matthew Colless Australian National University
The Taipan Galaxy Survey
21 Jun-17
12 p.m.
Dr Adam Deller Swinburne University
Radio pulsars: the physics lab with a catch
14 Jun-17
12 p.m.
Dr Alessia Moretti INAF-OaPD
Star formation quenching in cluster galaxies from integrated and spatially resolved spectra
07 Jun-17
12 p.m.
Dr David Parkinson University of Queensland
Testing for tensions between datasets
31 May-17
12 p.m.
Dr Tiantian Yuan Australian National University
Spiral Arm Formation at Redshift 2
24 May-17
12 p.m.
Dr Camila Correa Leiden University
Morphology and color of EAGLE galaxy population
17 May-17
12 p.m.
Dr Amr Hassan Swinburne University
Astronomy Data and Computing Services (ADACS)
10 May-17
12 p.m.
Dr Nikki Nielsen Swinburne University
The Geometry and Kinematics of Circumgalactic Gas
05 May-17
12 p.m.
Dr Emma Ryan Weber Swinburne University
Galaxies & Intergalactic Metals at the Conclusion of Reionization
03 May-17
2 p.m.
Dr Yuval Birnboim Hebrew University of Jerusalem / ANU
Cold flows in haloes and filaments; when they occur, and how they interact with haloes and galaxies
26 Apr-17
12 p.m.
Dr IxanDra Achitouv Swinburne University
What can we learn from averaging cosmological observables in different environments?
05 Apr-17
12 p.m.
Dr Federico Bianchini University of Melbourne
Cross-correlation in the high-z sky: the Planck and Herschel case
15 Mar-17
12 p.m.
Prof. Colin Norman Johns Hopkins university
The Circumgalactic Medium in Absorption Lines using HST COS
01 Mar-17
12 p.m.
Dr Steen Hansen University of Copenhagen - Dark Cosmology Centre
Measuring a dynamical aspect of dark matter - the velocity anisotropy